PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2000-06-01 NOTE = "INFO.TXT contains descriptive information relevant to the files in this directory." END_OBJECT = TEXT END This file contains a brief description of the sequences that occurred during the Jupiter Orbital phase of the Galileo mission. The descriptions will contain the name of the sequence, the sequence ID along with the start and stop times in UTC, SCLK times and any comments that may accompany the sequence. SEQUENCE SEQ ID UTC SCLK COMMENT J0EA J0EAID 95-337/11:30 1/03203102:64:9:7 95-341/12:40 1/03208868:59:3:2 J0EB J0EBIE 95-341/12:40 1/03208868:59:3:2 95-342/18:00 1/03210609:28:4:2 J0EC J0ECHL 95-342/18:00 1/03210609:28:4:2 96-003/16:00 1/03247519:22:1:2 J0CA J0CAFC 96-003/16:00 1/03247519:22:1:2 Aborted 96-005 96-024/16:00 1/03277426:86:8:5 (10% Completed) J0CA J0CFD 96-009/15:15 1/03256019:72:6:1 96-024/16:00 1/03277426:86:8:5 J0CB-1 J0CBID1 96-025/16:00 1/03278851:11:9:4 J0CB Part 1 96-047/17:37 1/03310278:86:7:6 J0CB-2 J0CBJD2 96-047/17:37 1/03310278:86:7:6 J0CB Part 2, PRJ 96-072/16:00 1/03345787:39:8:3 (96/072-96/076) J0CC J0CCCB 96-086/16:00 1/03365725:83:0:0 OTM-4 96-125/16:00 1/03421268:73:2:2 J0CD J0CDUH 96-155/16:00 1/03463994:09:7:1 OTM-5 96-175/16:00 1/03492477:58:3:5 ASRUN MEMOS ----------- JET PROPULSION LABORATORY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM GLLSDT/KHT-314/96-165 October 11, 1996 To: Distribution From: K. Tan Subject: Final J0CB part 1 As-Run Sequence Product Release - J0CB1-ARF The final As-Run ORPRO/SSF/SEF for J0CB part 1 which covers the time span from 96-025/06:54:00 to 96-047/17:37:30 is ready and released. The final As-Run J0CB1 was produced using J0CBI-RDMSPA as the baseleine sequence. J0CBI-RDMSPA was the J0CB part 1 baseline sequence J0CBID1 merged with RDMSPA, the real time command to reposition DMS for Probe data return (per MCT log 96E040). The FINCON from J0CA prime As-Run, GLLASRUN* FINAL.FINCON-SEF/J0CAP-ASRUN, was used as initial condition. The final As-Run Sequence Products are now available electronically on both UNIG and GLLSVC. This release package includes the following: 1. Sequence Package Release Form 2. File Release Form: J0CB1-ARF ORPRO,SSF,SEF,FINCON,DIAG 3. Compare: ORPRO/J0CB1-ARF VS. ORPRO/J0CBI-RDMSPA 4. Diagnostics: DIAG/J0CB1-ARF Sequence does not include MCT log 96Q039 since it was radiated when DSS 43 was misconfigured and replaced with 96E040. There will be one hard copy of the SEQGEN output available in the SDT library for reference. If you have any questions please contact K. Tan at extension 3-7793. INPUT FILEs: VAX FILE (GLLASRUN*FINAL.) SEQ UNIG EDITED UNIG (GSC.UPLINK.WORKING.FILE) ============================== ================ ====================== PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/J0CBI-RDMSPA J0CB1BSL.ORP OUTPUT FILEs: GLLSVC$USER: (GLLASRUN*FINAL.) UNIG FILE (GSC.UPLINK.METADATA) VAX FILE ============================== ================ ORPRO/J0CB1-ARF J0CB1ARF.ORP SSF/J0CB1-ARF J0CB1ARF.SSF NEXTSSF/J0CB1-ARF J0CB1ARF.NSF DIAG/J0CB1-ARF J0CB1ARF.DIA FINCON-SEF/J0CAP-ASRUN J0CB1ARF.INC FINCON-SEF/J0CB1-ARF J0CB1ARF.FIN ADD960617/J0CB1 J0CB1ARF.ADD (GSC.UPLINK.ARSEF) VAX FILE ============================== ================ SEF/J0CB1-ARF J0CB1ARF.SEF JET PROPULSION LABORATORY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM GLLSDT/KHT-314/96-166 October 15, 1996 To: Distribution From: K. Tan Subject: Final J0CB part 2 As-Run Sequence Product Release - J0CB2-ARF TITLE: Final As-Run ORPRO/SSF/SEF for J0CB part 2 Sequence BEGIN: 96-047/17:37:00 Sequence CUTOFF: 96-072/16:00:00 Baseline sequence used: PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/J0CB-DMIF1-8 Baseline sequence contains: PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/J0CBJD2 (J0CB part 2 baseline sequence) PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/DMIF1B (DMS In-Flight Test #1) PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/DMIF8B (DMS In-Flight Test #2, RBS) The FINCON from J0CB part 1, GLLASRUN*FINAL.FINCON-SEF/J0CB1-ARF, was used as initial condition. The final As-Run Sequence Products are now available electronically on both UNIG and GLLSVC. This release package includes the following: 1. Sequence Package Release Form 2. File Release Form: J0CB2-ARF ORPRO,SSF,SEF,FINCON,DIAG 3. Compare: ORPRO/J0CB2-ARF VS. ORPRO/J0CBI-RDMSPA 4. Diagnostics: DIAG/J0CB2-ARF There will be one hard copy of the SEQGEN output available in the SDT library for reference. If you have any questions please contact K. Tan at extension 3-7793. INPUT FILEs: VAX FILE (GLLASRUN*FINAL.) SEQ UNIG EDITED UNIG (GSC.UPLINK.WORKING.FILE) ============================== ================ ====================== PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/J0CB-DMIF1-8 J0CB2BSL.ORP PSDT*SEQOUT.SSF/RTREEA RTREEA.SSF PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/RPJRDA ORPRO/RPJRDA-NTP RPJRDA-N.ORP PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/RHETAA ORPRO/RHETAA-NP RHETAA-N.ORP OUTPUT FILEs: GLLSVC$USER: (GLLASRUN*FINAL.) UNIG FILE (GSC.UPLINK.METADATA) VAX FILE ============================== ================ ORPRO/J0CB2-ARF J0CB2ARF.ORP SSF/J0CB2-ARF J0CB2ARF.SSF NEXTSSF/J0CB2-ARF J0CB2ARF.NSF DIAG/J0CB2-ARF J0CB2ARF.DIA FINCON-SEF/J0CB1-ARF J0CB2ARF.INC FINCON-SEF/J0CB2-ARF J0CB2ARF.FIN ADD960620/J0CB2 J0CB2ARF.ADD (GSC.UPLINK.ARSEF) VAX FILE ============================== ================ SEF/J0CB2-ARF J0CB2ARF.SEF JET PROPULSION LABORATORY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM GLLSDT/KHT-314/96-168 October 17, 1996 To: Distribution From: K. Tan Subject: Final J0CC As-Run Sequence Product Release - J0CC-ARF TITLE: Final As-Run J0CC Sequence BEGIN: 96-086/16:00:00 Sequence CUTOFF: 96-125/16:00:00 Baseline sequence used: PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/J0CCCB ORPRO/J0CCCB was used as the baseline sequence instead of the merged ORPRO/J0CCC-MN04AA, since there is no description in the file release from of the later states which files actually contains within. The MNU file format also changed starting 96Q095 due to the AMMOS system upgrade. The FINCON from Special Activity window #7, GLLASRUN*FINAL.FINCON-SEF /SAW7-ARF, was used as the initial condition. The final As-Run Sequence Products are now available electronically on both UNIG and GLLSVC. This release package includes the following: 1. Sequence Package Release Form 2. File Release Form: J0CC-ARF ORPRO,SSF,SEF,FINCON,DIAG 3. Compare: ORPRO/J0CC-ARF VS. ORPRO/J0CCCB 4. Diagnostics: DIAG/J0CC-ARF There will be one hard copy of the SEQGEN output available in the SDT library for reference. If you have any questions please contact K. Tan at extension 3-7793. INPUT FILEs: VAX FILE (GLLASRUN*FINAL.) SEQ UNIG EDITED UNIG (GSC.UPLINK.WORKING.FILE) ============================== ================ ====================== PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/J0CCCB J0CCBSL.ORP PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/RNIMSA ORPRO/RNIMSA-NTP RNIMSA-N.ORP PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/RAMEMA ORPRO/RAMEMA-NP RAMEMA-N.ORP PSDT*J0CC.ORPRO/NMSLDB* ORPRO/NMSLDB-NP NMSLDB-N.ORP PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/DMST2F DMST2FLN.ORP PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/MN04AA MN04AA.ORP PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/RNUDGD RNUDGD.ORP *PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/NMSLDB has been edited which contained SEQGEN incompatible UTILITYs, so use the one in PSDT*J0CC. instead. OUTPUT FILEs: GLLSVC$USER: (GLLASRUN*FINAL.) UNIG FILE (GSC.UPLINK.METADATA) VAX FILE ============================== ================ ORPRO/J0CC-ARF J0CCARF.ORP SSF/J0CC-ARF J0CCARF.SSF NEXTSSF/J0CC-ARF J0CCARF.NSF DIAG/J0CC-ARF J0CCARF.DIA FINCON-SEF/SAW7-ARF J0CCARF.INC FINCON-SEF/J0CC-ARF J0CCARF.FIN ADD960710/J0CC J0CCARF.ADD (GSC.UPLINK.ARSEF) VAX FILE ============================== ================ SEF/J0CC-ARF J0CCARF.SEF JET PROPULSION LABORATORY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM GLLSDT/KHT-314/96-191 July 23, 1996 To: Distribution From: K. Tan Subject: Final J0CD As-Run Sequence Product Release - J0CDH-ARF The final As-Run ORPRO/SSF/SEF for J0CD which covers the time span from 96-155/16:00:00 to 96-175/16:00:00 is ready and released. The final As-Run J0CD was produced using J0CDH-DCON1E (J0CDUH merged with OTM-5, MN05AA, and DMS conditioning, DCON1E) as the baseleine sequence. The original Initial Condition file (PSDT*J0CD.FINCON/IFL-3) was used as the initial condition. The final As-Run Sequence Products are now available electronically on both UNIG and GLLSVC. This release package includes the following: 1. Sequence Package Release Form 2. File Release Form: J0CDH-ARF ORPRO,SSF,SEF,FINCON,DIAG PJ0CDE PBT 3. Compare: ORPRO/J0CDH-ARF VS. ORPRO/JOCDH-DCON1E 4. Diagnostics: DIAG/J0CDH-ARF 5. Playback table: PBT/PJ0CDE The only playback table in this sequence, PBT/PJ0CDE, was executed as uplinked. The start/stop active time was noted in the final As-Run as a COMMENT PA (PSID 384C), but the PBT was not merged in due to its incompatible time-tag as the rest of the sequence. There will be one hard copy of the SEQGEN output available in the SDT library for reference. If you have any questions please contact K. Tan at extension 3-7793. INPUT FILEs: VAX FILE (GLLASRUN*FINAL.) SEQ UNIG EDITED UNIG (GSC_UPLINK_WORKING_FILE) ============================== ================ ====================== PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/J0CDH-DCON1E J0CDHDCN.ORP PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/RCLUPA ORPRO/RCLUPA-NTP RCLUPANT.ORP PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/RVMAPA ORPRO/RVMAPA-NTP RVMAPANT.ORP PSDT*SEQOUT.PBT/J0CDE OUTPUT FILEs: (GLLASRUN*FINAL.) UNIG FILE (GSC.UPLINK.METADATA) VAX FILE ============================== ================ ORPRO/J0CDH-ARF J0CD-ARF.ORP SSF/J0CDH-ARF J0CD-ARF.SSF NEXTSSF/J0CDH-ARF J0CD-ARF.NSF DIAG/J0CDH-ARF J0CD-ARF.DIA FINCON/IFL-3 J0CD-ARF.INC FINCON-SEF/J0CDH-ARF J0CD-ARF.FIN ADD960718/J0CDA J0CD-ARF.ADD CDSF/G11 J0CD-ARF.CDS GDMT*CLK-LTF.LITETIMEFILE J0CD-ARF.LTF SCLK/J0CD-1 J0CD-ARF.SCL PSDT*SEQOUT.PBT/PJ0CDE J0CDPARF.PBT (GSC.UPLINK.ARSEF) VAX FILE ============================== ================ SEF/J0CDH-ARF J0CD-ARF.SEF JET PROPULSION LABORATORY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM GLLSDT/DJG-391/96-123 June 5, 1996 To: Distribution From: Deborah Grayson Subject: Final J0EA As-Run Sequence Product Release--J0EAASRUN The final As-Run ORPRO/SSF/SEF for J0EA which covers the time span from 95-337/11:30:00 to 95-341/12:40:10 is ready and released. The final As-Run for the first part of the J0EA was produced using J0EAID (J0EA-Prime) as the baseline sequence. The second half of the Relay JOI (RJ426S) was merged with the baseline sequence. The FINCON from the JAB As-Run SEF was used as the initial condition. The final As-Run Sequence Products are now available electronically on both UNIG and GLLSVC. This release package includes the following: 1. Sequence Package Release Form 2. File Release Form: J0EAASRUN ORPRO,SSF,SEF,FINCON The DMS LOOPER is not shown in the final As-Run SEF because it only exists in GCMD form. There will be one hard copy of the SEQGEN output available in the SDT library for reference. JET PROPULSION LABORATORY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM GLLSDT/DJG-391/96-186.A December 11, 1996 To: Distribution From: Deborah Grayson Subject: Final J0EA As-Run product release -J0EA-ARFUL merged with expanded version Relay JOI (RJ426MEB part 1) The final As-Run ORPRO/SSF/SEF for J0EA-ARFUL which covers the time span from 95-337/11:30:00 to 95-341/12:40:10 is ready and released. This is the updated J0EA As-Run which contains the exact information as the J0EAASRUN which was released on July 29, 1996, except J0EA-ARFUL was merged with the fully expanded Relay JOI seqeunce RJ426MEB portion 1. In generating the final product the Fincon from JABARFFUL was used. This release package includes the following: 1. Sequence Package Release Form 2. File Release Form: J0EA-ARFUL ORPRO,SSF,SEF,FINCON 3. Compare output: ORPRO/J0EAASRUN versus ORPRO/J0EA-ARFUL shows the difference between the current version versus the last release. The Final As-Run Sequence Products are now available electronically on both UNIG and SVC. There will be one hard copy of the SEQGEN output available in the SDT library for reference. If you have any questions or comments please contact Deborah Grayson at extension 3-1063. The reissued version was merged with the expanded portion of Relay J0I (fully expanded version PSDT*SEQOUT.SSF/RJ426MEB) AS-RUN UNIG FILENAME (GLLSVC$UPLINK:[GSC.UPLINK.ARSEF]) | V GLLASRUN*FINAL.SEF/J0EA-ARFUL J0EAFARF.SEF AS-RUN UNIG FILENAME (GLLSVC$UPLINK:[GSC.UPLINK.METADATA]) | V GLLASRUN*FINAL.ORPRO/J0EA-ARFUL J0EAFARF.ORP GLLASRUN*FINAL.SSF/J0EA-ARFUL J0EAFARF.SSF GLLASRUN*FINAL.FINCON-SEF/J0EA-ARFUL J0EAFARF.FIN GLLASRUN*FINAL.FINCON-SEF/JABARF-FUL J0EAFARF.INC GLLASRUN*FINAL.DIAG/J0EA-ARFUL J0EAFARF.DIA (DUB4:[GSC.UPLINK.WORKING.FILE]) | V SEQ UNIG (INPUT) EDITED FILE ON UNIG VAX FILENAME ________________ ___________________ ____________ PSDT*SEQOUT.SSF/RJ426MEB ORPRO/RJ26MEB-1 RJ426MB1.ORP The edited files are the same as in the J0EAASRUN and will not be released. Edited Files: GLLASRUN*FINAL.ORPRO/R7VCCA-NT GLLASRUN*FINAL.ORPRO/RF4P2AA JET PROPULSION LABORATORY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM GLLSDT/DJG-391/96-186.B December 17, 1996 To: Distribution From: Deborah Grayson Subject: Final J0EB As-Run product release - J0EBFARF merged with expanded version Relay JOI (RJ426MEB part 2) The final As-Run ORPRO/SSF/SEF for J0EBFARF which covers the time span from 95-341/12:40:10 to 95-342/18:00:00 is ready and released. This is the updated J0EB As-Run which contains the exact information as the J0EB-ASRUN which was released on August 5, 1996, except J0EBFARF was merged with the fully expanded Relay J0I seqeunce RJ426MEB portion 2. In generating the final product the Fincon from J0EA-ARFUL was used. This release package includes the following: 1. Sequence Package Release Form 2. File Release Form: J0EBFARF ORPRO,SSF,SEF,FINCON,DIAG 3. Compare output: ORPRO/J0EB-ASRUN versus ORPRO/J0EBFARF shows the difference between the current version versus the last release. The Final As-Run Sequence Products are now available electronically on both UNIG and SVC. There will be one hard copy of the SEQGEN output available in the SDT library for reference. If you have any questions or comments please contact Deborah Grayson at extension 3-1063. The reissued version was merged with the expanded portion of Relay JOI (fully expanded version PSDT*SEQOUT.SSF/RJ426MEB) AS-RUN UNIG FILENAME (GLLSVC$UPLINK:[GSC.UPLINK.ARSEF]) | V GLLASRUN*FINAL.SEF/J0EBFARF J0EBFARF.SEF AS-RUN UNIG FILENAME (GLLSVC$UPLINK:[GSC.UPLINK.METADATA]) | V GLLASRUN*FINAL.ORPRO/J0EBFARF J0EBFARF.ORP GLLASRUN*FINAL.SSF/J0EBFARF J0EBFARF.SSF GLLASRUN*FINAL.FINCON-SEF/J0EBFARF J0EBFARF.FIN GLLASRUN*FINAL.FINCON-SEF/J0EA-ARFUL J0EBFARF.INC GLLASRUN*FINAL.DIAG/J0EBFARF J0EBFARF.DIA (DUB4:[GSC.UPLINK.WORKING.FILE]) | V SEQ UNIG (INPUT) EDITED FILE ON UNIG VAX FILENAME ________________ ___________________ ____________ PSDT*SEQOUT.SSF/RJ426MEB ORPRO/RJ426MEB-2 RJ426MB2.ORP The following edited files are the same as in the J0EB-ASRUN and will not be released. Edited Files: GLLASRUN*FINAL.ORPRO/J0EBIENTP GLLASRUN*FINAL.ORPRO/RCDSSANTP GLLASRUN*FINAL.ORPRO/RHNULCNTP GLLASRUN*FINAL.ORPRO/RPSPNLANTP GLLASRUN*FINAL.ORPRO/RHELC2CNP GLLASRUN*FINAL.ORPRO/RSAFNBNTP JET PROPULSION LABORATORY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM GLLSDT/KHT-314/96-189 December 18, 1996 To: Distribution From: K. Tan Subject: Final J0EC As-Run Sequence Product Release - J0ECFARF (merged with fully expanded Relay JOI sequence, part 3) Title: Final As-Run J0EC merged with RJ426MEB part 3 Sequence BEGIN: 95-342/17:58:00 Sequence CUTOFF: 96-003/16:00:00 Baseline Sequence used: PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/J0ECHL SEQGEN/PROMPTER version: Phase 1 E3.0, created on 94-087 Initial condition file: GLLASRUN*FINAL.FINCON-SEF/J0EBFARF This is the updated Final J0EC As-Run sequence, which contains exactly the same information as J0ECHL-ARF released on August 16, 1996, except the Relay JOI sequence it merged with. While J0ECHL-ARF merged with the pre-edited uplink version of Relay JOI, PSDT*SEQOUT.SSF/RJ426S, J0ECFARF was merged with the expanded version of the Relay JOI, PSDT* SEQOUT.SSF/RJ426MEB. (PSDT*SEQOUT.SSF/RJ426S-EDIT was the actual uplinked version.) The final As-Run Sequence Products are now available electronically on both UNIG and GLLSVC. This release package includes the following: 1. Sequence Package Release Form 2. File Release Form: J0ECFARF ORPRO,SSF,SEF,FINCON,DIAG 3. Compare: a. ORPRO/RJ426MEB-3 VS. ORPRO/RJ426S-4 which shows the difference between RJ426MEB and RJ426S for the time frame covered by J0EC. b. ORPRO/J0ECFARF VS. ORPRO/J0ECHL-ARF which shows the difference between the current As-Run versus last release was due to the difference between RJ426MEB and RJ426S only. 4. Diagnostics: DIAG/J0ECFARF There will be one hard copy of the SEQGEN output available in the SDT library for reference. If you have any questions please contact K. Tan at extension 3-7793. INPUT FILEs: VAX FILE (GLLASRUN*FINAL.) SEQ UNIG EDITED UNIG (GSC.UPLINK.WORKING.FILE) ============================== ================ ====================== PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/J0ECHL J0ECFBSL.ORP OUTPUT FILEs: GLLSVC$USER: (GLLASRUN*FINAL.) UNIG FILE (GSC.UPLINK.METADATA) VAX FILE ============================== ================ ORPRO/J0ECFARF J0ECFARF.ORP SSF/J0ECFARF J0ECFARF.SSF NEXTSSF/J0ECFARF J0ECFARF.NSF DIAG/J0ECFARF J0ECFARF.DIA FINCON-SEF/J0EBFARF J0ECFARF.INC FINCON-SEF/J0ECFARF J0ECFARF.FIN ADD960724/J0EC J0EC-ARF.ADD ** no redelivery (GSC.UPLINK.ARSEF) VAX FILE ============================== ================ SEF/J0ECFARF J0ECFARF.SEF OUTPUT FILEs: DUB4: (GLLASRUN*FINAL.) UNIG FILE (GSC.UPLINK.WORKING.FILE) VAX FILE ============================== ================ ORPRO/RJ426MEB-3 426MEB-3.ORP JET PROPULSION LABORATORY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM GLLSDT/KHT-314/96-146 August 16, 1996 To: Distribution From: K. Tan Subject: Final J0EC As-Run Sequence Product Release - J0ECHL-ARF The final As-Run ORPRO/SSF/SEF for J0EC which covers the time span from 95-342/17:58:00 to 96-003/16:00:00 is ready and released. The final As-Run J0EC was produced using J0ECHL as the baseleine sequence. GLLASRUN*FINAL.FINCON-SEF/J0EB-ASRUN, the final Condition from the As-Run J0EB which was reissued on August 5 was used as the initial condition. The final As-Run Sequence Products are now available electronically on both UNIG and GLLSVC. This release package includes the following: 1. Sequence Package Release Form 2. File Release Form: J0ECHL-ARF ORPRO,SSF,SEF,FINCON,DIAG 3. Compare: ORPRO/J0ECHL-ARF VS. ORPRO/J0ECHL 4. Diagnostics: DIAG/J0ECHL-ARF Neither OTM-1 nor OTM-2 were ever performed. RJOI sequence (SSF/RJ426S) which merged with the baseline sequence JAB, J0EA, J0EB and J0EC was the uplinked version. It contains the abbreviated looping groups which was not fully expanded by SEQGEN CHECKER. A full expanded As-Run SEF will be provided in the future with the 'expanded' SSF/RJ426MEB merging with all pertinent baselines sequences. There will be one hard copy of the SEQGEN output available in the SDT library for reference. If you have any questions please contact K. Tan at extension 3-7793. INPUT FILEs: VAX FILE (GLLASRUN*FINAL.) SEQ UNIG EDITED UNIG (GSC_UPLINK_WORKING_FILE) ============================== ================ ====================== PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/J0ECHL J0ECHLAR.ORP PSDT*SEQOUT.SSF/RJ426S ORPRO/RJ426S-4 RJ4264ED.ORP PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/RHEL3C ORPRO/RHEL3C-NTP RHEL3CED.ORP OUTPUT FILEs: GLLSVC$USER: (GLLASRUN*FINAL.) UNIG FILE (GSC.UPLINK.METADATA) VAX FILE ============================== ================ ORPRO/J0ECHL-ARF J0EC-ARF.ORP SSF/J0ECHL-ARF J0EC-ARF.SSF NEXTSSF/J0ECHL-ARF J0EC-ARF.NSF DIAG/J0ECHL-ARF J0EC-ARF.DIA FINCON-SEF/J0EB-ASRUN J0EC-ARF.INC FINCON-SEF/J0ECHL-ARF J0EC-ARF.FIN ADD960724/J0EC J0EC-ARF.ADD (GSC.UPLINK.ARSEF) VAX FILE ============================== ================ SEF/J0ECHL-ARF J0EC-ARF.SEF JET PROPULSION LABORATORY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM GLLSDT/KHT-314/96-167 October 16, 1996 To: Distribution From: K. Tan Subject: Final SAW7 As-Run Sequence Product Release - SAW7-ARF TITLE: As-Run PJR MANEUVER + S/P DEMO SEQ Sequence BEGIN: 96-072/16:00:00 Sequence CUTOFF: 96-086/16:00:00 Baseline sequence used: PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/PJRMEB The special activity window #7 As-Run Sequence (SAW7-ARF) accounts for the gap between sequences J0CB and J0CC, which covers time frame from 96-072/16:00:00 till 96-086/16:00:00. The As-Run for SAW #7 was produced by combining three major engineering activities, the Perijove Raise (PJRMEB) started on 96-072, the Scan Platform parameter update sequence (SPDMOB) started on 96-078 and the DDA hammer (RDA96F + RHM94A) on 96-082. Other real-time commands which radiated from Command Console were also included. The FINCON from J0CB part 2, GLLASRUN*FINAL.FINCON-SEF/J0CB2-ARF, was used as initial condition. The final As-Run Sequence Products are now available electronically on both UNIG and GLLSVC. This release package includes the following: 1. Sequence Package Release Form 2. File Release Form: SAW7-ARF ORPRO,SSF,SEF,FINCON,DIAG 3. Compare: ORPRO/SAW7-ARF VS. ORPRO/PJRMEB 4. Diagnostics: DIAG/SAW7-ARF There will be one hard copy of the SEQGEN output available in the SDT library for reference. If you have any questions please contact K. Tan at extension 3-7793. INPUT FILEs: VAX FILE (GLLASRUN*FINAL.) SEQ UNIG EDITED UNIG (GSC.UPLINK.WORKING.FILE) ============================== ================ ====================== PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/PJRMEB SAW7BSL.ORP PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/SPDMOB ORPRO/SPDMOB-NP SPDMOB-N.ORP PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/RDA96F ORPRO/RDA96F-NP RDA96F-N.ORP PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/RFSPBA ORPRO/RFSPBA-NP RFSPBA-N.ORP OUTPUT FILEs: GLLSVC$USER: (GLLASRUN*FINAL.) UNIG FILE (GSC.UPLINK.METADATA) VAX FILE ============================== ================ ORPRO/SAW7-ARF SAW7ARF.ORP SSF/SAW7-ARF SAW7ARF.SSF DIAG/SAW7-ARF SAW7ARF.DIA FINCON-SEF/J0CB2-ARF SAW7ARF.INC FINCON-SEF/SAW7-ARF SAW7ARF.FIN ADD960703/SAW7 SAW7ARF.ADD (GSC.UPLINK.ARSEF) VAX FILE ============================== ================ SEF/SAW7-ARF SAW7ARF.SEF