GE-7/22/97 G8 Science Data Losses 124-16:42 --->173-16:36; Lost TFs in brackets[.....] Changes in Bold Time DSS Reference RT Rcvd Events Comments Cause Array (GMT) TFs Ops Lost from Related? PPT 124-18:45 43 DR# 6 0 - The correct - Lost TFs PD Yes A01285 antenna cable [15947 -> 15952] -> 18:55 wrap was not 13 RTS VCDUs configured for this support. - Procedural error. 125-11:33 14 1 1 - Unknown - Lost TF U No [16271] 2 -> 12:14 Priority VCDUs **Recovered from the .fcd PPT file** 125-14:56 43 DR# 1 0 - Missed rate - Lost TF S Yes A01290 change [16290] 4 RTS 32-60bps VCDUs 125-15:40 43 DR# 1 0 - Missed rate - Lost TF S Yes A01290 change [16300] 4 RTS 60-80bps VCDUs 125-03:00 63 1 0 - Missed rate - Lost TF S No change 32-8bps [16474] 3 RTS & 1 Priority VCDUs 126-21:26 43 1 1 - This is a - Lost TF I Yes repetitive [16635] 4 RTS occurrence VCDUs where the TF is lost after **Recovered in a valid the .fcd PPT transmission file** from the GTC. The TF is lost at AMMOS but recoverable from the .fcd PPT file. 127-00:48 43 DR# 5 5 - The FSC core - Lost TFs S Yes A01293 task halted [16679 -> 16683] -> 01:30 after DSS49 19 RTS & 1 left the Priority VCDUs array. The FSC was rebooted **Recovered in to restore. the .btd PPT file** 127-11:53 14 FR# 7939 1 1 - This is a - Lost TF I No repetitive [16721] 3 occurrence Priority VCDUs where the TF is lost after **Recovered in a valid the .fcd PPT transmission file** from the GTC. The TF is lost at AMMOS but recoverable from the .fcd PPT file. - The GIF halted and was rebooted to restore operability. 127-13:01 14 DR# 1 0 - The antenna - Lost TF A No G02166 was [16726] 3 RTS & experiencing 1 Priority VCDUs oscillations in precision mode one during the uplink transfer. The station switched to computer control to stop the oscillations. This TF was lost after a unscheduled mode change because of the failed transfer. 127-15:34 14& 1 0 - Both - Lost TF U Yes stations lost [16743] 4 RTS 43 this TF- VCDUs reason unknown. It would appear to be a ground problem as both stations missed it. 128-00:43 43 DR# 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF S Yes A01295 80-60bps. [16886] 4 RTS VCDUs 130-00:03 49 DR# 9 0 - DSS49 to - Lost TFs W Yes A01300 stow due to [17681 -> 17689] -> 00:23 high winds 12 RTS & 1 Priority VCDUs 130-02:10 63 DR# 10 0 - The FSR - Lost TFs S No L01056 would not [17719 -> 17728] -> 03:35 progress 37 RTS & 2 beyond the Priority VCDUs "verify" state" - DSS63 reloaded the DGT to restore. Time DSS Reference RT Rcvd Events Comments Cause Array (GMT) TFs Ops Lost from Related? PPT 130-04:24 63 DR# 5 0 - DSS63 - Lost TFs S No L01056 reloaded the [17732 -> 17740] -> 04:57 DGT to 17 RTS & 3 progress to Priority VCDUs 2-way after the scheduled mode change. 130-05:24 63 DR# 1 0 - Unknown - Lost TF U No L01057 [17745] 4 RTS VCDUs 131-10:12 14 DR# 1 1 - Unknown - Lost TF S No G02184 [18125] 4 - Rate change Priority VCDUs 8-40bps **Recovered in - OTM-27 the .fcd PPT file** 131-18:50 43 DR# 4 0 - Scheduled - Lost TFs SPA Yes A01303 s/c thruster [18293 -> 18296] -> 18:57 flushes 1 RTS & 1 Priority VCDUs 131-23:52 43 DR# 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF S Yes A01304 160-120bps [18471] 3 PB & 1 RTS VCDUs 132-23:53 43 DR# 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF S Yes A01306 160-120bps [18964] 4 PB VCDUs 133-04:10 63 DR# 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF S No L01060 32-40bps [19022] 2 RTS & 1 Priority VCDUs 134-00:17 43 DR# 1 1 - Rate change - Lost TF S Yes A01309 120-80bps [19462] 4 PB VCDUs **Recovered from the .btd file** 134-23:43 43 DR# 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF S Yes A01310 160-120bps [19964] 3 PB & 1 RTS VCDUs 136-14:42 43 1 1 - This is a - Lost TF I Yes repetitive [20606] 4 PB occurrence VCDUs where the TF is lost after **Recovered from a valid the .fcd PPT transmission file** from the GTC. The TF is lost at AMMOS but recoverable from the .fcd PPT file. 136-14:49 43 1 1 - This is a - Lost TF I Yes repetitive [20609] 4 PB occurrence VCDUs where the TF is lost after **Recovered from a valid the .fcd PPT transmission file** from the GTC. The TF is lost at AMMOS but recoverable from the .fcd PPT file. 136-16:10 43 2 2 - This is a - Lost TFs I Yes repetitive [20650 & 20651] -> 16:14 occurrence 5 PB, 2 RTS, & 1 where the TF priority VCDUs is lost after a valid **Recovered from transmission the .fcd PPT from the GTC. file** The TF is lost at AMMOS but recoverable from the .fcd PPT file. 136-18:24 43 DR# 4 0 - Rain along - Lost TFs W Yes A01311 with [20728 -> 20731] -> 18:31 subsequent 13 PB & 3 RTS high SNT and VCDUs low ES/N0 136-18:32 43 DR# 2 0 - Rain along - Lost TF W Yes A01311 with [20733] 3 RTS & 18:37 subsequent 1 PB VCDUs high SNT and low ES/N0 - Lost TF [20736] 3 RTS & 1 Priority VCDUs 136-19:58 43 DR# 2 0 - Rain along - Lost TF W Yes A01311 with [20784] 3 PB & 1 20:15 subsequent RTS VCDUs high SNT and low ES/N0 - Lost TF [20793] 3 RTS & 1 PB VCDUs 136-22:16 43 DR# 1 0 - Rain along - Lost TF W Yes A01311 with [20864] 3 PB & 1 subsequent RTS VCDUs high SNT and low ES/N0 137-06:29 63 FR #8143 1 1 - TIS 7 halted - Lost TF I 17 and was [21005] 4 PB reloaded to VCDUs restore operability **Recovered from the .fcd PPT file** Time DSS Reference RT Rcvd Events Comments Cause Array (GMT) TFs Ops Lost from Related? PPT 137-18:32 43 DR# 2 2 - Unknown - Lost TFs U Yes A01315 [21249 & 21251] 18:35 3 PB & 2 RTS VCDUs **Recovered [21249] from .btd PPT file** **Recovered [21251] from .fcd PPT file** 138-18:36 43 DR# 10 0 - Unknown - Lost TFs U Yes A01318 [21738 -> 21747] -> 18:53 35 PB, 4 RTS, & 1 Priority VCDUs 138-19:01 43 DR# 2 0 - Unknown - Lost TFs U Yes A01318 [21753 & 21754] -> 19:05 8 PB VCDUs 138-20:37 49 DR# 6 0 - The MEC - Lost TFs F Yes A01319 became [21809 & 21810] -> 20:40 inoperable due 6 PB, 1 RTS, & 1 to moths Priority VCDUs 20:47 breaking the laser - Lost TF 20:53 collimation [21815] 4 PB beam. The VCDUs -> 20:57 moths were cleared to - Lost TF restore [21818] 2 PB & 2 operability. RTS VCDUs 139-13:30 14 2 2 - GTC merge - Lost TFs S No anomaly. [22079 & 22080] -> 13:40 7 PB & 1 Priority VCDUs **Recovered from the .fcd PPT file** 139-22:37 43 DR# 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF S Yes A01325 160-120bps [22371] 3 PB & 1 RTS VCDUs 139-23:57 43 DR# 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF S Yes A01325 120-80bps [22406] 4 PB VCDUs 140-01:05 43 DR# 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF S Yes A01325 80-60bps [22426] 3 PB & 1 RTS VCDUs 140-01:17 43 DR# 2 0 - Anomaly with - Lost TFs F Yes A01328 the FTS [22429 & 22430] -> 01:26 (timing), all 8 RTS VCDUs antenna went off point. A card with in the FTS was replaced to restore operability. 140-10:04 14 DR# 1 1 - The BTD - Lost TF U No G02223 dropped lock [22529] 3 PB & 1 at the rate RTS VCDUs change 40-60bps, reason unknown. The BTD re-acquired the signal without operator intervention. 140-15:50 43 DR# 42 42 - The FSC - Lost TFs S Yes A01333 halted [22638 -> 22679] -> 17:02 operation and 142 PB, 24 RTS, required a & 2 Priority reboot to VCDUs restore operability. **Recovered from DTF21 processing** 140-23:42 49 DR# 1 0 - DSS49 went - Lost TF U Yes A01334 off point; [22902] 4 PB reason VCDUs unknown. 141-12:21 14 DR# 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF S No G02230 40-60bps [23048] 3 -> 12:26 Priority VCDUs 142-23:40 43 DR# 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF S Yes A01338 120-80bps [23850] 4 PB VCDUs 143-01:22 43 DR# 1 0 - High SNT - Lost TF W Yes A01340 caused by [23878] 4 PB heavy cloud VCDUs cover 143-11:34 14 DR# 1 1 - Unknown - Lost TF U No G02244 [23993] 4 PB VCDUs **Recovered from .fcd PPT file** 143-23:56 43 DR# 2 0 - BTD snr - Lost TFs SPA Yes A01342 fluctuations [24341 & 24342] -> 00:03 caused by hot 7 PB & 1 RTS body noise VCDUs Time DSS Reference RT Rcvd Events Comments Cause Array (GMT) TFs Ops Lost from Related? PPT 144-00:33 43 DR# 4 3 - BTD snr - Lost TF SPA Yes A01342 fluctuations [24352] 3 PB & 1 00:44 caused by hot RTS VCDUs body noise 01:05 - Lost TF [24355] 4 PB -> 01:10 VCDUs - Lost TFs [24360 & 24361] 8 PB VCDUs *Recovered TFs [24352,24360 & 24361] from .btd PPT file* 144- 63 DR# 8 1 - Unknown - Lost TFs U No 04:21 L01076 [24389 -> 24391] - Perhaps 11 RTS & 1 -> 04:42 precursor to Priority VCDUs the antenna 04:48 halts - Lost TFs experienced [24393 -> 24395] -> 04:55 later. 11 RTS & 1 Priority VCDUs 05:16 - Lost TFs -> 05:29 [24397 & 24398] 8 RTS VCDUs *Recovered TF [24398] from .btd PPT file* 144- 63 DR# 6 0 - Antenna - Lost TFs A No 05:36 L01075 halted due to [24400 -> 24403] low film 16 RTS VCDUs -> 06:03 height. The debris was - Lost TFs 06:51 cleared from [24411 & 24412] track to 7 RTS & 1 -> 06:05 restore. Priority VCDUs 144-13:48 43 DR# 1 0 - Low BTD snr - Lost TF S Yes A01344 reported by [24489] 4 RTS DSS43. The VCDUs previous two TFs were also lost, 1335 (BOT) 1352z. Those TFs were recovered by DSS14. - Rate change 60-120bps 144-18:29 43 DR# 37 37 - BTD snr - Lost TF SPA Yes A01345 fluctuations [24640] 4 PB 19:04 caused by hot VCDUs body noise -> 19:46 - Lost TFs - Jupiter [24661 -> 24684] 20:10 occultation 91 PB, 3 RTS, & 2 Priority VCDUs -> 20:31 - Lost TFs [24699 -> 24710] 47 PB & 1 Priority VCDUs **Recovered from DTF21 reprocessing** 146-12:11 14 6 6 - Unknown - Lost TFs U No [25417 -> 25422] -> 12:52 - +3 hrs after 23 PB & 1 Jupiter Priority VCDUs occultation **Recovered from .btd PPT file** 146-12:56 14 2 0 - Unknown - Lost TFs U No [25424 & 25435] -> 13:06 7 PB & 1 priority VCDUs 146-13:25 14 1 1 - Unknown - Lost TF U No [25430] 4 RTS VCDUs **Recovered from .btd PPT file** 146-13:31 34 DR# 1 0 - Antenna - Lost TF A Yes A01347 controller [25430] 3 RTS & inoperative; 1 Priority VCDUs degraded array performance. 146-14:43 34 DR# 3 0 - Antenna - Lost TF A Yes A01347 controller [25459] 4 RTS 14:47 inoperative; VCDUs degraded array -> 14:50 performance. - Lost TFs [25461 & 25462] 7 RTS & 1 Priority VCDUs 146-16:00 49 DR# 1 0 - DSS49 off - Lost TF A Yes A01348 point [25497] 5 BDT VCDUs Time DSS Reference RT Rcvd Events Comments Cause Array (GMT) TFs Ops Lost from Related? PPT 146-16:36 43 DR# 12 -Jupiter hot - Lost TF A Yes A01349 body noise [25518] 3 PB & 1 16:41 Priority VCDUs -> 16:46 - Lost TFs [25521 -> 25523] 16:49 11 PB & 1 RTS VCDUs -> 17:03 - Lost TFs [25526 -> 25533] 20 PB, 12 RTS VCDUs **FSR tapes requested** 146-17:05 43 DR# 5 0 - Jupiter hot - Lost TFs A Yes A01349 body noise [25535 -> 25537] -> 17:10 9 PB & 3 RTS VCDUs 17:11 - Lost TF 17:54 [25539] 3 PB & 1 RTS VCDUs - Lost TF [25564] 4 PB VCDUs 147-03:20 63 DR# 1 0 - Rain - Lost TF W No L01084 [25786] 4 RTS - Rate change VCDUs 40-60bps 147-18:33 43 1 1 - This is a - Lost TF I Yes repetitive [26077] 3 PB & 1 occurrence RTS VCDUs where the TF is lost after **Recovered from a valid the .fcd PPT transmission file** from the GTC. The TF is lost at AMMOS but recoverable from the .fcd PPT file. 147-21:27 43 DR# 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF S Yes A01351 160-120bps [26179] 3 PB & 1 RTS VCDUs 147-23:09 34 DR# 14 2 - DSS34 - Lost TF A Yes A01352 antenna [26224] 4 PB 148-00:04 controller VCDUs declared red -> 00:42 prior to BOT - Lost TFs therefore [26243 -> 26253] 00:46 array 43 PB & 1 performance Priority VCDUs 01:04 was degraded. - Lost TF [26255] 4 PB VCDUs **Recovered from the .btd PPT file** - Lost TF [26259] 3 PB & 1 Priority VCDUs **Recovered from the .fcd PPT file** 148-11:35 14 DR# 1 1 - Rate change - Lost TF S No G02264 40-60bps [26371] 3 PB & 1 RTS VCDUs - GTC merge anomaly **Recovered from the .fcd PPT file** 148-12:56 14 1 1 - Unknown - Lost TF U No [26388] 4 RTS VCDUs **Recovered from the .fcd PPT file** 148-13:08 14 1 1 - Unknown - Lost TF U No [26391] 4 RTS VCDUs **Recovered from the .fcd PPT file** 148-18:07 43 DR# 1 1 - Jupiter hot - Lost TF SPA No A01354 body noise. [26539] 4 PB The DSS34/43 VCDUs baseline was affected by **Recovered from the bad the .fcd PPT correlation file** effects. 150-17:51 43 1 1 - This is a - Lost TF I Yes repetitive [27543] 1 RTS occurrence VCDU where the TF is lost after **Recovered from a valid the .fcd PPT transmission file** from the GTC. The TF is lost at AMMOS but recoverable from the .fcd PPT file. 150-17:59 43 FR#8063 17 17 - SMC6 halted - Lost TFs I Yes and had to be [27549 -> 27565] -> 18:3 rebooted to 11 RTS & 5 restore Priority VCDUs operability. **Recovered from the .fcd PPT file** 152-13:17 14 DR# 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF S No G02282 60-120bps [28397] 4 RTS VCDUs Time DSS Reference RT Rcvd Events Comments Cause Array (GMT) TFs Ops Lost from Related? PPT 153-14:05 43 FR #08294 4 4 - The GIF and - Lost TF I Yes TIS halted and [28912] 4 PB 14:10 needed to VCDUs rebooting to -> 14:15 restore - Lost TFs operability. [28915 -> 28917] 12 PB VCDUs All TFs should be recovered **Recovered from in the PPT. the .fcd PPT file** 154-12:55 14 2 2 - The GIF - Lost TFs I No halted and was [29404 & 29405] -> 13:05 rebooted. 5 RTS & 3 PB VCDUs **Recovered form the .fcd PPT file** 154-17:01 43 DR# 3 - FSR1 tone - Lost TFs H Yes N43301 rotator [29537 -> 29539] -> 17:06 failure. No 11 PB & 1 restoral Priority VCDUs action provided by - **FSR tapes station. requested** 154-17:08 43 DR# 26 - FSC core - Lost TFs S Yes N43304 task died. The [29541 -> 29566] -> 17:52 FSC was 87 PB, 16 RTS, & rebooted to 1 Priority VCDUs restore operability. -**FSR tapes requested** 155-01:42 63 DR# 2 0 - FSR1 tone - Lost TFs H No L01108 rotator [29784 & 29785] -> 01:53 failure. The 6 PB, 1 RTS, & 1 DME bus was Priority VCDUs reset to restore FSR1 operability. This outage expected as only DGT ch1 (BVR) was in lock on the tlm and it will always drop out at rate changes. - Rate change 40-60bps 155-03:46 63 2 2 - This is a - Lost TFs I No repetitive [29812 & 29813] -> 04:00 occurrence 7 RTS & 1 where the TF Priority VCDUs is lost after a valid **Recovered from transmission the .fcd PPT from the GTC. file** The TF is lost at AMMOS but recoverable from the .fcd PPT file. 156-01:32 63 DR# 2 2 - FSR1 lost - Lost TFs S No L01111 signal detect [30325 & 30326] -> 01:42 due to loss of 6 PB, 1 RTS, & 1 5Mhz Priority VCDUs reference. The FSR was **Recovered from rebooted to the .btd PPT restore. file** - Rate change 40-60bps 156-08:25 14 DR# 23 23 - The GTC was - Lost TFs PD No G02300 not outputting [30414 -> 30436] -> 10:10 TFs,as the DGT 57 PB, 32 RTS, & assemblies, 3 Priority VCDUs had the incorrect pass **Recovered from number (0000) the .fcd PPT entered. The file ** GTC was reboted to restore. 156-13:08 43 DR# 55 55 - DSS43 was - Lost TFs S Yes A01368 unable to open [30490 -> 30544] -> 14:45 a file at FSR2 151 PB, 38 RTS, (G02300) (host portion) & 3 Priority for DSS14's VCDUs FSR input as the pass **Recovered from numbers did DTF21 not match. Ref processing** above entry for DR# G02300. 156-20:55 43 DR# 21 11 - The delayed - Lost TFs S Yes A01373 processing [30702 -> 30723] -> 21:57 halted when 26 Priority, 20 the station RTS, & 11 PB entered the VCDUs "Halt2" directive at **Recovered from EOT. This DTF21 directive processing** should have allowed for the extension of procession until TFs had been processed. The reason for the halt of processing is unknown att. 157-02:41 63 DR# 1 0 - Unknown - Lost TF U No L01113 [30760] 3 RTS & 1 Priority VCDUs Time DSS Reference RT Rcvd Events Comments Cause Array (GMT) TFs Ops Lost from Related? PPT 157-14:05 43 FR# 08310 5 5 - The LNS - Lost TF I Yes application of [30945] 3 PB & 1 -> 14:09 the GIF RTS VCDUs halted. The 14:11 GIF was - Lost TFs rebooted to [30947 -> 30950] -> 14:17 restore. 15 PB & 1 RTS VCDUs **Recovered from the .fcd PPT file** 158-12:51 43 FR# 08310 2 2 - The LNS - Lost TFs I Yes application of [31453 & 31454] -> 13:02 the GIF 5 PB VCDUs halted. The GIF was **Recovered from rebooted to the .fcd PPT restore. file** 159-01:42 63 FR# 90190 7 7 - GIF4 halted. - Lost TFs I No The GIF was [31842 -> 31845] -> 02:05 rebooted to 3 PB, 12 RTS, & restore 1 Priority VCDUs 02:14 operability. - Lost TFs -> 02:28 [31848 -> 31850] 12 RTS VCDUs **Recovered from the .fcd file** 159-12:51 43 DR# 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF S Yes A01381 80-120bps [32010] 4 PB VCDUs 159-12:55 43 2 0 - Unknown. The - Lost TFs U Yes outage extends [32013 & 32014] -> 13:02 beyond the 8 PB VCDUs expected timespan due to rate change to 160bps. - Rate change 120-160bps 159-18:25 43 DR# 20 0 - The FSR and - Lost TFs PD Yes A01382 FSC files were [32205 -> 32224] -> 18:59 not deleted 70 PB & 10 RTS from the VCDUs previous pass. The available disk space reached maximum and processing halted until the files were deleted. 159- 43 DR# 5 0 - Rate change - Lost TFs S Yes 22:38 A01381 160-120bps [32353 & 32354] 5 RTS, 2 PB, & 1 -> 22:42 - Rate change Priority VCDUs 120-80bps 22:55 - Lost TFs - Rate change [32361 & 32362] -> 23:01 80-40bps 8 PB VCDUs 160-00:15 - Lost TF [32385] 4 PB -> 00:21 VCDUs 160-07:31 63 DR# 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF S No L01118 60-40bps [32472] 4 PB VCDUs 161-13:22 43 16 16 - The LNS - Lost TF I Yes application of [33148] 1 RTS -> 13:25 the TIS &GIF VCDU halted. The 13:27 TIS & GIF were - Lost TFs rebooted to [33151 -> 33153] -> 13:34 restore. 12 PB VCDUs 13:34 - Lost TFs [33155 -> 33158] -> 13:42 16 PB VCDUs 13:42 - Lost TFs [33160 -> 33163] -> 13:51 13 PB & 3 RTS VCDUs 13:51 - Lost TFs -> 13:59 [33165 -> 33168] 13 PB & 3 RTS VCDUs **Recovered from the .fcd PPT file** 162-15:34 43 1 1 - This is a - Lost TF I Yes repetitive [33779] 4 PB occurrence VCDUs where the TF is lost after **Recovered in a valid the .fcd PPT transmission file** from the GTC. The TF is lost at AMMOS but recoverable from the .fcd PPT file. 162-19:00 43 FR# 8310 1 1 - The LNS - Lost TF I Yes application of [33900] 4 PB the TIS &GIF VCDUs halted. The TIS & GIF were **Recovered from rebooted to the .fcd PPT restore. file** Time DSS Reference RT Rcvd Events Comments Cause Array (GMT) TFs Ops Lost from Related? PPT 162-19:02 43 FR# 8310 4 4 - The LNS - Lost TFs I Yes application of [33902 -> 33905] -> 19:11 the TIS &GIF 15 PB & 1 halted. The Priority VCDUs TIS & GIF were rebooted to **Recovered from restore. the .fcd PPT file** 162-14:57 43 FR# 8310 6 6 - The LNS - Lost TFs I Yes application of [34333 & 34334] -> 15:01 the TIS &GIF 8 PB VCDUs halted. The 15:01 TIS & GIF were - Lost TFs rebooted to [34336 -> 34339] -> 15:09 restore. 15 PB & 1 Priority VCDUs **Recovered from the .fcd PPT file** 163-22:45 43 DR# 8 0 - Unknown - Lost TFs U Yes A01393 [34604 -> 34611] -> 23:04 - Low ES/N0 6 RTS VCDUs - Rate= 120bps 164- 63 DR# 31 1 - Low ES/N0 - Lost TF A No 01:24 L01128 due to bad [34642] 1 RTS & maser 1 Priority VCDUs 02:10 bandpass. Maintenance - Lost TF 02:23 adjusted the [34652] 3 RTS maser bandpass VCDUs -> 02:32 to restore. - Lost TFs 03:27 [34655 & 34656] 3 RTS VCDUs -> 03:36 - Lost TFs 03:45 [34669 & 34670] 3 RTS VCDUs -> 04:22 - Lost TFs 04:31 [34673 -> 34680] & [34682 & -> 04:35 34683] 15 RTS & 2 Priority VCDUs 04:40 -> 04:53 05:30 - Lost TFs [34685 -> 34687] -> 06:20 4 RTS VCDUs 07:14 - Lost TFs 334696 -> 34706] 14 RTS & 2 Priority VCDUs - Lost TF [34719] 1 RTS VCDU **Recovered TF [34642] from .fdc PPT file** 164-10:05 14 DR# 2 0 - The htx - Lost TFs A No G02335 tripped off [34753 & 34754] -> 10:14 att 164-08:52 1 RTS & 1 due to AC Priority VCDUs generator overcurrent. No corrective action was taken to restore. The station turned the htx on in water load for ops check prior to u/l resweep. - This outage dur to unscheduled 1-way mode change. 164-10:19 14 DR# 1 0 - Unscheduled - Lost TF A No G02335 2-way mode [34756] 1 RTS change after VCDU u/l resweep. 164-15:56 43 6 6 - The LNS - Lost TFs I Yes application of [334910 , 34911 -> 15:59 the TIS &GIF & 34913 -> halted. The 34916] 15:59 TIS & GIF were rebooted to 4 RTS VCDUs -> 16:08 restore. **Recovered from the .fcd PPT file** 164-18:30 43 3 0 - Unscheduled - Lost TF UPA Yes two-way mode [34500] 1 RTS -> 18:35 change to VCDU accommodate real-time commanding for DMS recovery. 164-22:10 43 1 0 - Return to - Lost TF UPA Yes low noise [35129] 1 RTS after VCDU conclusion of commanding. Time DSS Reference RT Rcvd Events Comments Cause Array (GMT) TFs Ops Lost from Related? PPT 164-23:23 43 1 0 - Unscheduled - Lost TF UPA Yes one-way mode [35159] 1 RTS change. VCDU 165-01:31 63 3 0 - Unscheduled - Lost TFs UPA No two-way mode [35186,35187, & -> 01:49 change to 35189] 4 RTS accommodate VCDUs real-time commanding. 165-02:58 63 1 0 - Unscheduled - Lost TF UPA No one-way mode [35209] 4 PB change after VCDUs conclusion of DMS recovery operations. 166-07:08 63 DR# 1 1 - Rate change - Lost TF S No L01134 60-40bps [35836] 4 RTS VCDUs **Recovered from the .fcd PPT file** 168-00:27 63 DR# 1 0 - Antenna - Lost TF PD No L01136 off-point due [36889] 4 RTS to op error VCDUs 168-15:50 14 DR# 3 0 - Htx tripped - Lost TFs A Yes G02355 off causing [37199 -> 37201] -> 15:55 unscheduled 12 PB VCDUs 1-way mode change. 169-12:10 43 DR# 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF S Yes A01401 80-120bps [37622] 4 PB VCDUs 169-18:21 43 FR# 8220 12 12 - The GLPDB3 - Lost TFs [ I Yes TDS hung. The 37838 -> 37849] -> 18:41 TDS was 40 PB, 7 RTS, & rebooted to 1 Priority VCDUs restore. **Recovered from the .fcd PPT file** 170-14:22 49 DR# 30 30 - The GTS at - Lost TFs PD Yes A01406 DSS49 was left [38277 -> 38306] -> 15:13 configured 96 PB, 22 RTS< & with FSR5 in a 2 Priority VCDUs test configuration thereby **Recovered in interfering the .fcd PPT with the FSR5 file** output to DSS43 and the array. The test configuration was taken down at FSR5 array input restored. 171-12:21 43 1 0 - Two TFs were - Lost TF SPA Yes "lost" during [38761] 1 PB this rate VCDU change transition instead of the normal one. This caused a one VCDU loss of tlm. 171-12:36 43 1 0 -Unknown - Lost TF U Yes [38770] 3 PB, & 1 RTS VCDUs 172-01:05 63 DR# 3 0 - The prime - Lost TFs A No L01152 maser was red. [39143 & 39144] -> 01:12 The station 3 PB & 3 RTS used the b/u VCDUs 06:40 maser for support. - Lost TF [39241] 3 PB & 1 RTS VCDUs 172-12:10 43 DR# 45 45 - The GTC's at - Lost TFs [ S Yes A01414 DSS43 were 39329 -> 39368] -> 13:20 swapped after 128 PB, 30 RTS, the LMC-GTC & 2 Priority 13:24 interface was VCDUs lost. 14:30 - Lost TF [39371] 3 PB & 1 -> 14:34 RTS VCDUs 15:39 - Lost TFs [39410 & 39411] -> 15:42 6 PB & 2 RTS VCDUs - Lost TFs [39450 & 39451] 7 PB & 1 RTS VCDUs **All TFs recovered from DTF21 re-processing** Time DSS Reference RT Rcvd Events Comments Cause Array (GMT) TFs Ops Lost from Related? PPT 173-00:59 63 DR# 6 0 - The prime - Lost TFs A No L01157 maser was red. [39723 -> 39725, -> 01:10 The station 39728 & 39729, used the b/u 39735] 6 RTS & 1 01:17 maser for Priority VCDUs support. -> 01:24 01:41 173-06:27 63 DR# 3 0 - The prime - Lost TF A No L01157 maser was red. [39818] 3 RTS 06:34 The station VCDUs used the b/u -> 06:41 maser for - Lost TFs support. [39821 & 39822] 06:44 7 RTS & 1 Priority VCDUs - Lost TF [39824] 4 RTS VCDUs 173-07:04 14 DR# 3 0 - The BTD was - Lost TFs U No G02376 reset. [39828 -> 39830] -> 07:25 10 RTS & 2 Priority VCDUs End of G8 sequence 173/1636z TOTAL 652 372 Total Science 21507.25 Frames: Total Frames 24189 (including Fill): PP - Procedural (Project) Transfer Frames #s lost in brackets [.........] PD - Procedural (DSN) H - DGT H/W Related/Failure A - Antenna Problem S - DGT S/W Related; Error or understood idiosyncracy/workaround/constraint SA - Spacecraft anomaly and recovery actions UPA - Unscheduled project action SPA - Scheduled Project activity GCF- GCF hardware/software anomaly F - Facility problem (e.g. power failure) U - Unknown W - Weather (e.g. Parkes stow due to high winds) I - Internal JPL AMMOS anomaly