PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2000-06-01 NOTE = "INFO.TXT contains descriptive information relevant to the files in this directory." END_OBJECT = TEXT END This file contains a brief description of the sequences that occurred during the LAUNCH phase of the Galileo mission. The descriptions will contain the name of the sequence, the sequence ID along with the start and stop times in UTC, SCLK times and any comments that may accompany the sequence. SEQUENCE SEQ ID UTC SCLK COMMENT LAUEV0 * LAUEV0 89-288/23:52 1/00013680:50:5:2 89-299/16:00 1/00028879:63:0:1 EV1 EV1EJ 89-299/16:00 1/00028879:63:0:1 89-312/19:00 1/00047572:01:1:3 EV2 EV02FH 89-312/19:00 1/00047572:01:1:3 TCM1-A 89-336/18:00 1/00081692:83:2:1 (M313AA) EV3 EV03FD 89-336/18:00 1/00081692:83:2:1 89-352/17:00 1/00104420:36:5:7 EV4 EV04KG 89-352/17:00 1/00104420:36:5:7 Instrumental 90-008/17:00 1/00134328:11:9:0 Checkout EV5 EV05GC 90-008/17:00 1/00134328:11:9:0 Aborted 90-115 90-036/17:00 1/00174205:07:3:1 (25% Completed) LAU - indicates Launch phase EV - indicates Earth-Venus cruise phase * Due to the fact that the sequence was loaded from support equipment there was no GCMD and therefore an SSF was never created.