PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2000-06-01 NOTE = "INFO.TXT contains descriptive information relevant to the files in this directory." END_OBJECT = TEXT END This file contains a brief description of the sequences that occurred during the second Earth flyby phase of the Galileo mission. The descriptions will contain the name of the sequence, the sequence ID along with the start and stop times in UTC, SCLK times and any comments that may accompany the sequence. SEQUENCE SEQ ID UTC SCLK COMMENTS EE7 EE07JG 92-233/15:00 1/01494298:26:9:7 TCM-15, TCM-16 92-328/15:00 1/01629595:07:7:2 EE9 EE09GK 92-328/15:00 1/01629595:07:7:2 TCM-17 92-340/07:00 1/01646210:43:7:0 EE11 EE11DD 92-342/07:00 1/01649058:75:8:5 Earth2 fly-by 92-363/16:29 1/01679529:26:6:2 EE12A EE12EF 93-020/16:00 1/01712256:61:3:2 93-023/00:00 1/01715579:68:5:0 EE12B EE12BEF 93-039/15:00 1/01739256:62:8:2 TCM-19 93-102/17:59 1/01829156:77:9:7 EJ1 * EJ01DH 93-102/18:00 1/01829157:76:9:7 aborted 93-161 EJ01DJ 93-165/22:45 1/01919162:77:1:1 (93% Completed) EJ2 EJ02CC 93-187/16:15 1/01950109:03:3:5 aborted 93-198 93-239/11:00 1/02023854:62:6:7 (21% Completed) EJ2 ** EJ02CD 93-203/20:19 1/01973137:16:6:6 aborted 93-223 93-239/11:00 1/02023854:62:6:7 (56% Completed) EJ2 *** EJ02CF 93-228/20:00 1/02008722:73:8:1 TCM-20 93-239/11:00 1/02023854:62:6:7 * DH - ORPRO DJ - SEF ** indicates that the main sequence was aborted by spacecraft safing and a second sequence was sent to continue after the safing *** indicates that the Prime sequence was aborted by safing and the double-Prime sequence was sent to continue on after the second safing EE - indicates Earth-Earth cruise phase EJ - indicates Earth-Jupiter cruise phase ASRUN MEMOS ----------- JET PROPULSION LABORATORY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM GLLSDT/KHT-314/97-034 August 27, 1997 To: Distribution From: K. Tan Subject: Final VE09 As-Run Sequence Product Release Document - VE09 Title: Final As-Run VE09 + M317AA + M332AA + R/T Commands SSF: Verified VE9 PHASE II R/T FILE SEF: VE09 AS-RUN SEF Sequence BEGIN: 90-295/16:00:00.000 Sequence CUTOFF: 90-341/15:59:00.000 Baseline Sequence used: (GLLASRUN*SEQOUT.)SSF/VE09FE (90-281/10:24:24.363) SEQGEN/PROMPTER version: C31, created on 90-158 Initial condition file: GLLASRUN*FINAL.FINCON-SEF/VE05EC-TCM6 This is the Earth 1 pre Encounter sequence. The final merged SSF/ASRUNVE09 contains baseline sequence SSF/VE09FE, SEQ generated file M317AA (TCM-7) and M332AA (TCM-8) and SSF/VE09RT, an SDT generated file contains all MGDS R/T commands radiated during this sequence. The baseline sequence derived from the SEQ delivered final sequence GLLASRUN*SEQOUT.SSF/VE09FE, was rerun with new preparer's name before merging. The final As-Run SEF/VE09 was expanded directly from SSF/ASRUNVE09. There should be a final merged sequence which combines the baseline VE09FE with both TCM's generated by SEQ more recent than VE09FE used here. However, the paper work and system files do not exist anymore. The final As-Run Sequence Products are now available electronically on UNIG and GLLSVC. This release package includes the following: 1. Sequence Package Release Form 2. File Release Form: ASRUNVE09 SSF VE09 SEF,FINCON,DIAG 3. Compare: SSF/ASRUNVE09 (As-Run) vs. GLLASRUN*SEQOUT.SSF/VE09FE 4. Diagnostics: DIAG/VE09 There will be one hard copy of the SEQGEN output available in the SDT library for reference. The As-Run products for VE09 were generated and released in September 1993. This memo provides detailed file genealogy information for archiving purpose. Other than reorganizing files on Unisys, no internal modification were made. The external file names on GSC, however, were updated according to newly defined file naming convention as follows. Additional files delivered to GSC this time were marked with *. INPUT FILEs: VAX FILE on DUB4: (GLLASRUN*FINAL.) SEQ UNIG EDITED UNIG (GSC.UPLINK.WORKING.FILE) ============================== ================ ====================== GLLASRUN*SEQOUT.SSF/VE09FE VE09-BSL.ORP* OUTPUT FILEs: GLLSVC$UPLINK: (GLLASRUN*FINAL.) UNIG FILE (GSC.UPLINK.METADATA) VAX FILE ============================== ================ SSF/ASRUNVE09 VE09-ARF.SSF* DIAG/VE09 VE09-ARF.DIA FINCON-SEF/VE05EC-TCM6 VE09-ARF.INC* FINCON-SEF/VE09 VE09-ARF.FIN* SSF/VE09RT VE09RARF.ADD (GSC.UPLINK.ARSEF) VAX FILE ============================== ================ SEF/VE09 VE09-ARF.SEF The original metadata file for VE09 is attached for reference. Any questions please contact K. Tan at extension 3-7793. GLLSVC$UPLINK:[GSC.UPLINK.METADATA]VE09.METADATA Sequence Load : VE09 Begin Time : 90-295/16:00:00.000 Original Begin Time : 90-295/16:00:00.000 Cutoff Time : 90-341/15:59:00.000 Original Cutoff Time : 90-341/15:59:00.000 SEQGEN Version : C31 Producer : SDT Release Date : Sep 30, 1993 AsRun SEF File Location : GSC_UPLINK_SEF AsRun SEF Filename : VE09.ARSEF AsRun SEF Filesize : 3085 blocks Ancillary Files Location: GSC_UPLINK_METADATA Diagnostic Filename : VE09.ARSEFDIAG Source SSF Filenames : VE09FE.SSF M317AA.SSF M317AA.SSFNEW M332AA.SSF M332AA.SSFNEW VE09RT.SSF PSID Mapping Filename : VE09.MAP OWLT Filename : VE09.OWLT INCON Filename : VE05EC-TCM6.FINCON-SEF SCSC Filename : GLLOET*OETPTS.SCSC/SEQJUMP (on UNIB) SDT Entered PAs (PSIDs) : 20FA,20FB,20FC,20FD,20FE,20FF,20FG,20FH,20FI,20FJ, 20FK,20FL,20FM,20FN,20FO,20FP,20FQ,20FR,20FS,20FT, 20FU,20FV,20FW,20FX,20FY,20FZ,20GA,20GB,20GC,20GD, 20GE,20GF,31DA,31DB,31DC,31DD,31DE,31DF,31DG,31DH, 31DI,31DJ,31DK,31DL,31DM,31DN,31DO,31DP,31DQ,31DR, 31DS,31DT,31DU,31DV,31DW,31DX,31DY,31DZ,31EA,31EB, 31EC,31ED,31EE,31EF,31EG,31EH,31EI,31EJ,31EK,31EL, 31EM,31EN,31EO,31EP,31EQ,31ER,31ES,31ET Person to Contact for Help: (818)393-1148 GLLSVC::JWANG Release Notes : VE09FE was the VE09 stored (baseline) sequence. Filename of TCM-7 was M317AA. Filename of TCM-8 was M332AA. Real-time commands entered by SDT were stored in VE09RT. JET PROPULSION LABORATORY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM GLLSDT/KHT-314/97-039 August 27, 1997 To: Distribution From: K. Tan Subject: Final EE11 As-Run Sequence Product Release - EE11-ARF Title: Final As-Run EE11 + R/T Commands + MCTPLSOFF + RFPPLA Sequence BEGIN: 92-342/06:58:00 Sequence CUTOFF: 92-363/16:29:00 Baseline Sequence used: PSDT*SEQOUT-B.ORPRO/EE11DD (92-323/10:42:06.989) SEQGEN/PROMPTER version: Phase 0 C5.1, created on 92-041 Initial condition file: GLLASRUN*FINAL.FINCON-SEF/EE09 The final merged ORPRO/EE11-ARF contains baseline sequence ORPRO/EE11DD, SEQ generated Real-time (R/T) command files ORPRO/MCTPLSOFF (PLS turn off) and ORPRO/RFPPLA (S/C enable PLS SCI alarm monitor on 92-353), also the first part of the SDT generted MGDS R/T commands file, ORPRO/EE11RT, which covers 92-342/06:58:00 through 93-363/16:29:00. The CHECKER expension was run separately to avoid the number of working files exceeding SEQGEN limit. The final As-Run Sequence Products are now available electronically on UNIG and GLLSVC. This release package includes the following: 1. Sequence Package Release Form 2. File Release Form: EE11-ARF ORPRO,SSF,SEF,FINCON,DIAG 3. Compare: ORPRO/EE11-ARF vs. ORPRO/EE11DD 4. Diagnostics: DIAG/EE11-ARF This EE11 As-Run products together with the DDA5-ARF will replace UNIG files SSF/ASRUNEE11, part 1 (SSF/EE11ARSSF1, SEF/EE11SEF1) and part 2 (SSF/ EE11ARSSF2, SEF/EE11SEF2) and GSC VAX files EE11.ARSEF1 and EE11.ARSEF2 previousely released in September 1993. Current EE11-ARF realigns the sequence BEGIN/CUTOFF with the baseline sequence and seperates the Earth 2 sequence EE-11 from the special Hammer activity DDA-5. Both EE-11 and DDA-5 sequences now follow the Flight Team sequence boundary convention. The final condition from EE09 As-Run was used as the initial condition instead of the file FINCON-SEF/EE09GK-TCM16 used for the baseline sequence. There will be one hard copy of the SEQGEN output available in the SDT library for reference. If you have any questions, please contact K. Tan at extension 3-7793. INPUT FILEs: VAX FILE on DUB4: (GLLASRUNFINAL.) SEQ UNIG EDITED UNIG (GSC.UPLINK.WORKING.FILE) ============================== ================ ====================== PSDT*SEQOUT.ORPRO/EE11DD EE11-BSL.ORP OUTPUT FILEs: GLLSVC$UPLINK: (GLLASRUNFINAL.) UNIG FILE (GSC.UPLINK.METADATA) VAX FILE ============================== ================ ORPRO/EE11-ARF EE11-ARF.SSF SSF/EE11-ARF EE11-ARF.SSF DIAG/EE11-ARF EE11-ARF.DIA FINCON-SEF/EE09 EE11-ARF.INC FINCON-SEF/EE11-ARF EE11-ARF.FIN ORPRO/EE11RT EE11RARF.ADD (GSC.UPLINK.ARSEF) VAX FILE ============================== ================ SEF/EE11-ARF EE11-ARF.SEF