Galileo Photpolarimeter data (1990-11-16 to 1990-12-13) Data are stored in single orbit ASCII files (*.TAB). All of the data files have the same internal structure which is described by the single format file PPRRDR.FMT. File structure characteristics which may vary from file to file (# of records, start/stop time, etc.) are described in the individual PDS label files (*.LBL). /-------------------------\ | D A T A | \-------------------------/ Columns in all data files: ===================================================== name type description ----------------------------------------------------- SpETYDOY i5 SPACECRAFT_EVENT_TIME_YYDOY Spacecraft event time year minus 1900 and day-of-year (DOY) expressed as a single integer formed by adding DOY to 1000*(year-1900). SpETHour i2 SPACECRAFT_EVENT_TIME_HOURS Spacecraft event time hours within the current DOY SpETSec i4 SPACECRAFT_EVENT_TIME_SEC Spacecraft event time seconds within the current hour. SpETMSec i3 SPACECRAFT_EVENT_TIME_MSEC Spacecraft event time milliseconds within the current second. RIM i7 RIM Count of the corrected spacecraft clock RIM counter, which increments by one (1) every 60 and 2/3 seconds, or 91 minor frames. MOD91 i2 MOD91 Count of the corrected spacecraft clock MOD91 counter, which increments by one (1) every 2/3 second. RightAsc f7.3 RIGHT_ASCENSION Right ascension of the instrument boresight direction for the scan platform. Declin f7.3 DECLINATION Declination of the instrument boresight direction for the scan platform. ConAng f7.3 CONE_ANGLE Cone angle of the instrument boresight direction for the scan platform. CrsCnAng f7.3 CROSS_CONE_ANGLE Cross-cone, or clock, angle of the instrument boresight direction for the scan platform. OpMode i1 OPERATION_MODE Mode of operation of the PPR instrument; 0 - transition mode, 1 - cycle mode, 2 - PhotoPolarimetry and Photometry (PP/PH) mode, 3 - photometry mode, 4 - radiometry mode, 5 - position select mode. FiltrPos i2 FILTER_POSITION Indicates the filter/retarder wheel position at which the data sample pair SAMPLE_A_DATA and SAMPLE_B_DATA are acquired. CLBmSqTg i1 CAL_LAMP_BOOM_SEQUENCE_TAG Indicator used both to indicate that either internal or external calibration lamp is on and to serve as a marker that separates data taken on successive s/c spins if boom sequence operation is active. SmpAData i4 SAMPLE_A_DATA Is the first PP/PH science data sample of the simultaneously obtained pair corresponding to the orthogonal polarization components separated by the PPR Wollaston prism or a radiometry scene sample. SmpBData i4 SAMPLE_B_DATA Is the second of the pair of PP/PH science data samples or a science temperature data sample if SAMPLE_A_DATA is radiometry data. RdomRadi f6.1 RADIOMETRY_RADIANCE The radiometry scene radiance in net data number, specifically, the original detector output in DN, corrected for the contributions to the signal by internal instrument elements and minus the dark level offset. Should in general be positive, but at low signal levels may be negative owing to instrument noise. This field is left blank for non-radiometry data samples. BrghtTmp f5.1 BRIGHTNESS_TEMPERATURE The radiometry scene brightness temperature in kelvins (K) converted from the radiometry scene radiance in DN. If the radiance DN value is negative, the brightness temperature displayed is zero. Because of the dynamic range of the instrument for radiometry measurements, conversions for temperatures greater than 330 K are not possible, so in such instances the brightness temperature displayed is zero. This field is left blank for non-radiometry data samples. Intnsity f6.1 INTENSITY Polarimetry or photometry scene spectral radiance, or intensity, specifically, the total intensity, or sum of the two orthogonal components minus offsets in data number form without adjustment for instrument gain setting. This field is left blank for radiometry data samples. AbsIntns f8.6 ABSOLUTE_INTENSITY Polarimetry or photometry scene spectral radiance, or intensity, specifically, the total intensity in absolute units of watts per square centimeter per steradian per nanometer. This field is left blank for radiometry data samples. LinerPol f5.2 LINEAR_POLARIZATION Linear polarization degree in percent. This field is left blank except for data samples acquired at the third filter wheel position of the set of three retarder orientations for a given polarimetry band, i.e., filter wheel positions 5, 11, and 17. PolDirec f4.1 POLARIZATION_DIRECTION Linear polarization direction angle in degrees measured relative to the instrument baseplate. This field is always filled to ensure fixed length records for this data file. Zero is displayed for records corresponding to filter wheel positions other than 5, 11, and 17. In the columns RADIOMETRY_RADIANCE, BRIGHTNESS_TEMPERATURE, INTENSITY, ABSOLUTE_INTENSITY, and LINEAR_POLARIZATION, there are flag values of 1E35. Note that 1E35 is outside the valid value range as described in the PPRRDR.FMT format file. These are flags indicating that there is no actual data (column is blank for that record). Data Files (.TAB extension) ============================================================================== Name Records Cols Len Start Stop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PPRE1001.TAB 8727 21 120 PPRE1002.TAB 7908 21 120 PPRE1003.TAB 7998 21 120 PPRE1004.TAB 7152 21 120 PPRE1005.TAB 11922 21 120 PPRE1006.TAB 1095 21 120 PPRE1007.TAB 5361 21 120 Catalog data which includes instrument and dataset descriptions are located at: /CATALOG/EARTH1.CAT /CATALOG/INST.CAT ============================================================================== MAX/MIN Statistics for: PPRE1001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :::::::::::::: PPRE1001.stats :::::::::::::: /=====================================================================\ | D A T A F L O W S T A T I S T I C S | \=====================================================================/ Number of columns in data flow: 21 --------- Aggregate Statistics ---------- Total number of records: 8727 /======================================================================\ | COLUMN | MINIMUM | MAXIMUM | AVERAGE | # FLAGS | |======================================================================| |SpETYDOY | 90320| 90320| 90320| 0| |SpETHour | 17| 18| 17.0647| 0| |SpETSec | 0| 3599| 1635.18| 0| |SpETMSec | 20| 990| 515.16| 0| |RIM | 578672| 578735| 578702| 0| |MOD91 | 0| 90| 44.9917| 0| |RightAsc | 73.106| 264.776| 187.075| 0| |Declin | -37.78| -0.582| -19.2326| 0| |ConAng | -0.266| 145.917| 37.2178| 0| |CrsCnAng | 0.077| 359.927| 175.898| 0| |OpMode | 0| 5| 3.03919| 0| |FiltrPos | 0| 31| 19.8201| 0| |CLBmSqTg | 0| 1| 0.302739| 0| |SmpAData | 188| 4095| 1092.05| 0| |SmpBData | 187| 3985| 1586.47| 0| |RdomRadi | -15.9| 4095| 379.19| 2762| |BrghtTmp | 0| 227.6| 55.6784| 2762| |Intnsity | -1| 644.5| 215.407| 6042| |AbsIntns | 0| 2.54e-07| 1.16043e-07| 6042| |LinerPol | 0| 53.06| 38.5916| 8186| |PolDirec | -87.3| 88.1| 0.0185859| 0| \======================================================================/ ============================================================================== MAX/MIN Statistics for: PPRE1002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :::::::::::::: PPRE1002.stats :::::::::::::: /=====================================================================\ | D A T A F L O W S T A T I S T I C S | \=====================================================================/ Number of columns in data flow: 21 --------- Aggregate Statistics ---------- Total number of records: 7908 /======================================================================\ | COLUMN | MINIMUM | MAXIMUM | AVERAGE | # FLAGS | |======================================================================| |SpETYDOY | 90333| 90333| 90333| 0| |SpETHour | 23| 23| 23| 0| |SpETSec | 1659| 3599| 2630.78| 0| |SpETMSec | 14| 882| 448.078| 0| |RIM | 597569| 597600| 597585| 0| |MOD91 | 0| 90| 45.0144| 0| |RightAsc | 15.046| 100.775| 100.424| 0| |Declin | -17.189| -2.479| -16.8712| 0| |ConAng | 132.758| 133.583| 133.082| 0| |CrsCnAng | 0.116| 359.98| 180.842| 0| |OpMode | 5| 5| 5| 0| |FiltrPos | 15| 15| 15| 0| |CLBmSqTg | 0| 0| 0| 0| |SmpAData | 0| 0| 0| 0| |SmpBData | 66| 76| 70.8572| 0| |RdomRadi | 1.7e+308| -1.7e+308| NaN| 7908| |BrghtTmp | 1.7e+308| -1.7e+308| NaN| 7908| |Intnsity | -158.6| -153.5| -156.144| 0| |AbsIntns | 0| 0| 0| 0| |LinerPol | 1.7e+308| -1.7e+308| NaN| 7908| |PolDirec | 0| 0| 0| 0| \======================================================================/ ============================================================================== MAX/MIN Statistics for: PPRE1003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :::::::::::::: PPRE1003.stats :::::::::::::: /=====================================================================\ | D A T A F L O W S T A T I S T I C S | \=====================================================================/ Number of columns in data flow: 21 --------- Aggregate Statistics ---------- Total number of records: 7998 /======================================================================\ | COLUMN | MINIMUM | MAXIMUM | AVERAGE | # FLAGS | |======================================================================| |SpETYDOY | 90333| 90334| 90334| 0| |SpETHour | 0| 23| 0.00575144| 0| |SpETSec | 0| 3599| 997.016| 0| |SpETMSec | 12| 882| 446.771| 0| |RIM | 597600| 597633| 597617| 0| |MOD91 | 0| 90| 44.9216| 0| |RightAsc | 13.319| 100.595| 97.4865| 0| |Declin | -17.248| 6.97| -11.3206| 0| |ConAng | 132.76| 159.419| 139.268| 0| |CrsCnAng | 0.067| 359.993| 180.372| 0| |OpMode | 5| 5| 5| 0| |FiltrPos | 15| 15| 15| 0| |CLBmSqTg | 0| 0| 0| 0| |SmpAData | 0| 0| 0| 0| |SmpBData | 64| 84| 68.9634| 0| |RdomRadi | 1.7e+308| -1.7e+308| NaN| 7998| |BrghtTmp | 1.7e+308| -1.7e+308| NaN| 7998| |Intnsity | -159.7| -149.4| -157.117| 0| |AbsIntns | 0| 0| 0| 0| |LinerPol | 1.7e+308| -1.7e+308| NaN| 7998| |PolDirec | 0| 0| 0| 0| \======================================================================/ ============================================================================== MAX/MIN Statistics for: PPRE1004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :::::::::::::: PPRE1004.stats :::::::::::::: /=====================================================================\ | D A T A F L O W S T A T I S T I C S | \=====================================================================/ Number of columns in data flow: 21 --------- Aggregate Statistics ---------- Total number of records: 7152 /======================================================================\ | COLUMN | MINIMUM | MAXIMUM | AVERAGE | # FLAGS | |======================================================================| |SpETYDOY | 90334| 90334| 90334| 0| |SpETHour | 0| 1| 0.129334| 0| |SpETSec | 0| 3599| 2451.8| 0| |SpETMSec | 11| 879| 445.465| 0| |RIM | 597634| 597664| 597649| 0| |MOD91 | 0| 90| 44.7823| 0| |RightAsc | 13.119| 92.549| 88.3347| 0| |Declin | 1.23| 8.236| 7.10192| 0| |ConAng | 152.847| 161.076| 159.612| 0| |CrsCnAng | 0.056| 359.929| 180.286| 0| |OpMode | 5| 5| 5| 0| |FiltrPos | 15| 15| 15| 0| |CLBmSqTg | 0| 0| 0| 0| |SmpAData | 0| 0| 0| 0| |SmpBData | 63| 76| 67.3073| 0| |RdomRadi | 1.7e+308| -1.7e+308| NaN| 7152| |BrghtTmp | 1.7e+308| -1.7e+308| NaN| 7152| |Intnsity | -160.2| -153.5| -157.947| 0| |AbsIntns | 0| 0| 0| 0| |LinerPol | 1.7e+308| -1.7e+308| NaN| 7152| |PolDirec | 0| 0| 0| 0| \======================================================================/ ============================================================================== MAX/MIN Statistics for: PPRE1005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :::::::::::::: PPRE1005.stats :::::::::::::: /=====================================================================\ | D A T A F L O W S T A T I S T I C S | \=====================================================================/ Number of columns in data flow: 21 --------- Aggregate Statistics ---------- Total number of records: 11922 /======================================================================\ | COLUMN | MINIMUM | MAXIMUM | AVERAGE | # FLAGS | |======================================================================| |SpETYDOY | 90343| 90343| 90343| 0| |SpETHour | 11| 12| 11.6651| 0| |SpETSec | 107| 3598| 2055.72| 0| |SpETMSec | 25| 995| 501.738| 0| |RIM | 611099| 611185| 611144| 0| |MOD91 | 0| 90| 44.9952| 0| |RightAsc | 4.882| 102.309| 73.8462| 0| |Declin | 1.982| 51.998| 37.2295| 0| |ConAng | 148.181| 154.96| 151.722| 0| |CrsCnAng | 0.001| 359.971| 179.398| 0| |OpMode | 0| 2| 1.09738| 0| |FiltrPos | 0| 31| 18.1838| 0| |CLBmSqTg | 0| 1| 0.0496561| 0| |SmpAData | 189| 4095| 683.325| 0| |SmpBData | 189| 4033| 778.049| 0| |RdomRadi | -85.5| 4095| 271.663| 9150| |BrghtTmp | 0| 329.8| 97.656| 9150| |Intnsity | 0| 2220.5| 257.143| 4688| |AbsIntns | 0| 2.11e-05| 2.29741e-06| 4688| |LinerPol | 0| 17.13| 2.04492| 10561| |PolDirec | -71.4| 68.4| -0.0205335| 0| \======================================================================/ ============================================================================== MAX/MIN Statistics for: PPRE1006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :::::::::::::: PPRE1006.stats :::::::::::::: /=====================================================================\ | D A T A F L O W S T A T I S T I C S | \=====================================================================/ Number of columns in data flow: 21 --------- Aggregate Statistics ---------- Total number of records: 1095 /======================================================================\ | COLUMN | MINIMUM | MAXIMUM | AVERAGE | # FLAGS | |======================================================================| |SpETYDOY | 90343| 90343| 90343| 0| |SpETHour | 20| 20| 20| 0| |SpETSec | 2249| 2947| 2600.88| 0| |SpETMSec | 5| 973| 475.037| 0| |RIM | 611642| 611653| 611648| 0| |MOD91 | 0| 90| 46.1315| 0| |RightAsc | 11.414| 76.146| 74.3906| 0| |Declin | 6.263| 44.874| 41.8033| 0| |ConAng | 150.097| 161.288| 160.5| 0| |CrsCnAng | 0.327| 359.997| 179.185| 0| |OpMode | 0| 5| 1.92329| 0| |FiltrPos | 0| 31| 16.0932| 0| |CLBmSqTg | 0| 0| 0| 0| |SmpAData | 189| 1396| 288.215| 0| |SmpBData | 189| 4014| 303.261| 0| |RdomRadi | 1.7e+308| -1.7e+308| NaN| 1095| |BrghtTmp | 1.7e+308| -1.7e+308| NaN| 1095| |Intnsity | -1| 774.7| 98.2059| 246| |AbsIntns | 0| 6.6e-06| 8.28336e-07| 246| |LinerPol | 0| 4.4| 0.468616| 936| |PolDirec | -85.3| 88.9| 0.0816439| 0| \======================================================================/ ============================================================================== MAX/MIN Statistics for: PPRE1007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :::::::::::::: PPRE1007.stats :::::::::::::: /=====================================================================\ | D A T A F L O W S T A T I S T I C S | \=====================================================================/ Number of columns in data flow: 21 --------- Aggregate Statistics ---------- Total number of records: 5361 /======================================================================\ | COLUMN | MINIMUM | MAXIMUM | AVERAGE | # FLAGS | |======================================================================| |SpETYDOY | 90347| 90347| 90347| 0| |SpETHour | 16| 16| 16| 0| |SpETSec | 86| 2995| 1575.33| 0| |SpETMSec | 16| 984| 516.958| 0| |RIM | 617066| 617114| 617090| 0| |MOD91 | 0| 90| 45.0431| 0| |RightAsc | 1.228| 358.918| 136.409| 0| |Declin | -21.763| 82.714| 63.0755| 0| |ConAng | -0.034| 146.775| 116.469| 0| |CrsCnAng | 0.243| 359.886| 177.886| 0| |OpMode | 0| 5| 4.1718| 0| |FiltrPos | 18| 24| 21.0222| 0| |CLBmSqTg | 0| 1| 0.0240627| 0| |SmpAData | 190| 1622| 1387.21| 0| |SmpBData | 190| 4019| 1855.11| 0| |RdomRadi | -3.4| 240| 1.25542| 7| |BrghtTmp | 0| 222| 26.2888| 7| |Intnsity | 1.7e+308| -1.7e+308| NaN| 5361| |AbsIntns | 1.7e+308| -1.7e+308| NaN| 5361| |LinerPol | 1.7e+308| -1.7e+308| NaN| 5361| |PolDirec | 0| 0| 0| 0| \======================================================================/