PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2004-02-01 NOTE = "This file describes the calibration data related to the MAG instrument." END_OBJECT = TEXT END These files contain time histories of spacecraft and instrument commands and mission events useful in understanding the operation of the Galileo magnetometer during the Jupiter Orbit Operations. Most entries are taken from the As-Run Spacecraft Event Files (SEF), then converted into a more human readable form. Perijove, apojove, and solar conjunctions are calculated using SPICE kernels. Solar conjunction is defined as when the three-body (Sun-Earth-spacecraft) angle is less than 7 degrees. Copies of the SEF files are included on this volume in the /DOCUMENT/PROJECT/AR_SEF directory. Each data file (*.TAB) contains commands and events for a single orbit. They are named according to the convention ORBXX_MAG_EVENT.TAB (where XX is the orbit number). Each data file is accompanied by a label file (*.LBL) with the same root file name as the TAB file.