This directory contains the PLS Browse data set which is a set of spectra from selected ion and electron detectors (P2, P4, P6, E4) and energy ranges. The data are provided in a simple tabular format as separate ASCII files (such as ORB_08_1997_124_E4.TAB).

ORB_08_1997_124_E4.TAB translates to:

  orbit 08
  year 1997,
  Day of year 124,
  detector E4

Each data file is described by a detached PDS label (.LBL).

The electron data format is described by PLE_ELEC.FMT.

The the structure of the three ion detector files is identical. The format of these files is included in a separate file (PLS_ION.FMT).

Additional information about these data is available in the data set catalog file GO_PLS_BROWSE_DS.CAT which is located in the CATALOG directory off the root of this disk. Information on the instrument can be found in the Space Science Reviews instrument paper which is located in the DOCUMENT/PLS directory.

Mission description
Spacecraft description
PLS Instrument document
Data set description
PLS references

trajectory data
geometry information

dateelectron dataPDS labelIon P2 dataPDS labelIon P4 dataPDS labelIon P6 dataPDS label
1999-11-25 ORB_25_1999_329_E4.TAB ORB_25_1999_329_E4.LBL ORB_25_1999_329_P2.TAB ORB_25_1999_329_P2.LBL ORB_25_1999_329_P4.TAB ORB_25_1999_329_P4.LBL ORB_25_1999_329_P6.TAB ORB_25_1999_329_P6.LBL
1999-11-26 ORB_25_1999_330_E4.TAB ORB_25_1999_330_E4.LBL ORB_25_1999_330_P2.TAB ORB_25_1999_330_P2.LBL ORB_25_1999_330_P4.TAB ORB_25_1999_330_P4.LBL ORB_25_1999_330_P6.TAB ORB_25_1999_330_P6.LBL
1999-11-27 ORB_25_1999_342_E4.TAB ORB_25_1999_342_E4.LBL ORB_25_1999_342_P2.TAB ORB_25_1999_342_P2.LBL ORB_25_1999_342_P4.TAB ORB_25_1999_342_P4.LBL ORB_25_1999_342_P6.TAB ORB_25_1999_342_P6.LBL

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