PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2015-01-15 NOTE = "ERRATA.TXT reflects any known deficiencies with files contained on volume GOMW_5001." END_OBJECT = TEXT END ERRATA This file contains a list of all deficiencies and irregularities that are known to exist at the time of production of the GOMW_5001 DVD. Any errors detected with this DVD will be published on subsequent volumes in this volume set. An online version of errors is also maintained at the PPI Node of the PDS. Any changes or errors that are found on this or any GOMW_500x volume can be found on the PDS/PPI website (http://www.igpp.ucla.edu/cgi-bin/ditdos?errata=GOMW_500X). Updates to the DDS data are likely and will be made available electronically from PPI. The files referred to in the ^description pointer in all label files do not exist as named. They exist in the /DOCUMENT directory or one of its subdirectories, most likely /DOCUMENT/PROJECT. These files were listed for their usefulness as documentation. In the /DOCUMENT/PROJECT directory, each sub-directory contains documents in Adobe PDF and ASCII text format. The ASCII text version of these documents are direct conversions of the PDF files. The ASCII versions are present to comply with PDS standards. In some cases these ASCII versions have been hand edited to insure their legibility. In many cases, however, this effort has not been made. It is highly recommended that the PDF versions be used when reading these documents, as ASCII has limitations that may prevent proper representation of the original format of these papers. In cases where the ASCII version must be used, note that many of these files may exceed the 80 column page width. It is advisable, therefore, to print any hardcopy of these documents in landscape mode. All PWS waveform data files contain an attached header that looks like a PDS label but does not conform to current PDS standards. Users should ignore this label and refer to the detached PDS labels that are provided. An update to all moon trajectory data was made on Feb. 26, 2007 to cover the complete range that was originally intended. In April of 2009, errors were found in the PLS full time resolution data: ORB_09_HIGH_RES_1997_235.TAB, lines 795461 and 795465 have a DETECTOR_ID of ")", when it most likely should have been "9", as the surrounding records would imply. This oddity has been corrected. ORB_19_HIGH_RES_1999_032.TAB, lines 31358 and 31359 have a negative count rate that does not fit within its defined column. These are probably meant as flag values. The records have been left unaltered to maintain the format of the file. Below is a table listing records where the SECTOR_ID exceeds 255, the previously documented maximum. There is no explanation for this at this time. ORB_06_HIGH_RES_1997_052.TAB 52815 - 52836 ORB_07_HIGH_RES_1997_095.TAB 248385 - 248406 250291 - 250312 255753 - 255774 311339 - 311360 ORB_08_HIGH_RES_1997_127.TAB 245123 -245144 ORB_08_HIGH_RES_1997_128.TAB 141869 - 141890 145681 - 145702 147587 - 147608 ORB_09_HIGH_RES_1997_178.TAB 154641 - 154662 ORB_10_HIGH_RES_1997_259.TAB 36089 - 36110 41807 - 41828 43713 - 43734 45619 - 45640 47525 - 47546 49431 - 49452 51081 - 51102 52987 - 53008 54893 - 56799 56800 - 58705 58706 - 58726 60611 - 60632 102543 - 102564 ORB_10_HIGH_RES_1997_260.TAB 28799 - 28820 34517 - 34538 63107 - 63128 68825 - 68846 ORB_10_HIGH_RES_1997_265.TAB 208637 - 208658 ORB_11_HIGH_RES_1997_309.TAB 141939 - 141960 ORB_11_HIGH_RES_1997_310.TAB 12533 - 12554 18251 - 18272 ORB_11_HIGH_RES_1997_313.TAB 25371 - 25392 29183 - 29204 31089 - 31110 36807 - 36828 38713 - 38734 40619 - 40640 ORB_17_HIGH_RES_1998_268.TAB 20803 - 20824 28427 - 28448 32239 - 32260 41769 - 41790 1) New Static Standard Values PRODUCT_TYPE {DATA, GEOMETRY, CALIBRATION, DOCUMENT, CATALOG, SOFTWARE ANCILLARY, QLOOK_PLOT} HEADER object with HEADER_TYPE = TEXT. 2) Other non-standard practices File names are typically longer than 8.3 Directory names are typically longer than 8 characters. OBSERVATION_ID Formation does not comply with the formation rule specified in the PDSDD for Galileo data sets. The PDSDD definition is imaging specific. ^DESCRIPTION in PDS minimum labels points to the PDS label of the controling document(s) rather than the ascii version in the document directory as required by the standards. SPICE kernels in Extras directory. This is not the official archive of the SPICE kernels. Labels are not in good shape and there are no catalog files. DOCUMENT/*.TXT files might be described as ASCII text documents which would normally have a .ASC extension. In order to be more easily accessible to users, these files have been renamed with a .TXT extension. DOCUMENT/PROJECT/AR_SEF Uplink products included are stored in the DOCUMENT dir. DOCUMENT/PROJECT - Many documents have unusable ASCII forms created by PDF->ASCII converters. Doesn't comply with PDS standards. 3) The labels for the browse files associated with the GO-J-PWS-2-EDR-WAVEFORM-1KHZ-V1.0 and GO-J-PWS-2-EDR-WAVEFORM-10KHZ-V1.0 datasets in volumes GOMW_5002, GOMW_5004 and GOMW_5005 incorrectly listed the DATA_SET_ID as GO-J-PWS-2-REDR-RTS-SA-FULL-V1.0. This problem was detected and corrected in June 2012. 4) Note 2015-01-15: A gap was found in the DATA\PWS\SURVEY\SUMMARY\28_GANYMEDE directory. Files dates ended at 2000-12-06. Data for 2000-12-07 to 2000-12-26 are now included. 5) Format files EPD_16.FMT, EPD_32.FMT, and EPD_64.FMT all previously described the time column as the start of an 11 minute average. These are high time resolution data with integration times ranging from 1.25s to 0.3s as describe by the data set description file: GO_EPD_HIGHRES_DS.CAT. - Issue corrected on Aug 9, 2016.