PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2004-04-01 NOTE = "Text describes the directory contents." END_OBJECT = TEXT END This directory contains PLS calibration data and other information relevant to the use of PLS data. PLS_CALIBRATION.TXT- This document describes the PLS calibration procedure DET_LOOK.TAB - detector look directions table CALIB_*.TAB - Calibration factors (CHI values) used to convert counts per second into differential flux. E_STEP_*.TAB - Energies for each detector step DIFMQ_*.TAB - DIFMQ tables provide the connection between energy step, mass step, and M/Q values for the three differential mass spectrometer sensors. Each table is for a different value of M/Q. INTMQ_*.TAB - INTMQ tables provide the connection between energy step, mass step, and M/Q values for the three integral mass spectrometer sensors. Each table is for a different value of M/Q. M_STEP.TAB - Table of the magnet current steps (0-63)