PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM ^TEXT = "INFO.TXT" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2000-04-10 NOTE = "INFO.TXT describes the contents of this directory." END_OBJECT = TEXT END PWSLIST.EXE is a C program provided by the PWS team to read in the RDR data sets, apply a calibration, and output the data in ASCII table format. Please refer to the documentation inside the source code (PWSLIST.C) for additional details. The executable provided was compiled on a Sun Sparcstation 10 running Solaris 2.7 PWSLIST.TXT contains the format description of the ASCII table that PWSLIST.EXE produces. usage: PWSLIST.EXE < SAinfile > outfile example: PWSLIST.EXE <../../../DATA/PWS/SURVEY/HIGH_RES/ORB_02_HIGH_RES_1996_09_11.DAT > /tmp/ORB_02_HIGH_RES_1996_09_11.TXT SUMMARY.JAR is a Java archive containing an application /apps/gllpws/GLLPWS which can be used to view the Galileo PWS summary data on this disk. This application requires Java 1.4 or newer (see http://java.sun.com/). If Java is properly installed, the SUMMARY.JAR file should launch the application when its icon is clicked in MS Windows. SUMMARY.TXT is a simple data base to let the application in SUMMARY.JAR know what data is available on this volume. Note that it may be modified to accomodate other data or other directory structures. SUMMARY.SH is an example shell script to invoke the application in SUMMARY.JAR on a UNIX system.