PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE ="Originally published in Space Science Reviews, Vol. 60, p. 385-412, 1992; File created on or before 1999-12-08; Mark Sharlow (minor revisions), 2000-03-16;" OBJECT = INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "GO" INSTRUMENT_ID = "EPD" OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_INFORMATION INSTRUMENT_NAME = "ENERGETIC PARTICLES DETECTOR" INSTRUMENT_TYPE = "ENERGETIC PARTICLES DETECTOR" INSTRUMENT_DESC = " The Galileo Energetic Particles Detector is fully described by Williams et al [WILLIAMSETAL1992]. INTRODUCTION Jupiter possesses the largest planetary magnetosphere in the solar system. It is the largest in spatial dimension, has the highest trapped particle energies and intensities, has the greatest compositional variety in its major particle populations, displays the largest co-rotational effects and has the largest number of moons within the magnetosphere that provide both strong sources for and losses of the observed particle populations. These characteristics, uncovered by the Pioneer and Voyager flybys demand an instrument design capable of accommodating the great range in parametric values established by these extremes. Within the Jovian magnetosphere, the energetic (>=20 keV) particle populations play an important dual role. First, they represent a major factor in determining the size, shape, and dynamics of the system. For example, observations of energetic particle intensities and corresponding energy densities show that these populations are important in (1) standing off the solar wind and thereby determining magnetopause position; (2) determining the general magnetic field configuration in the evening magnetosphere and (3) establishing the bulk of the ring current responsible for the magnetodisk configuration of the middle-Jovian magnetosphere. Secondly the energetic particles play an important diagnostic role in the determination of energization, transport, and loss processes active in the Jovian magnetosphere. In this role they also provide a remote sensing capability for identifying magnetospheric structures through finite gyroradius effects and for diagnosing remote processes through field-aligned flow, E x B drift, and magnetic drift effects. The Galileo EPD will provide major extensions to the Jovian energetic particle data base obtained from the Pioneer and Voyager flybys. For example: (1) Galileo will be placed into a highly elliptical orbit around Jupiter. The nominal two-year mission lifetime will allow both a direct measure of time variations in the Jovian magnetosphere and a significantly larger spatial sample of the system than has been possible with the previous flybys. (2) The nominal mission includes several close ( < 1000 km) flybys of the Galilean satellites thereby providing the best opportunity to date to observe details of the satellite/magnetospheric interactions. (3) The EPD provides the first 4-pi steradian angular coverage for Jovian energetic particles, thereby assuring that the necessary energetic particle measurements will be obtained independent of satellite orientation and magnetic field direction. (4) The low-energy thresholds of the EPD effectively close the energy gap between plasma and energetic particle measurements that has existed in previous observations and assures that processes thought to operate in that gap will be tested by direct observation. For example, it has been suggested that the particles powering Jovian aurora are ions of energies <=100 keV/nucl, a composition energy range to be measured by Galileo instrumentation at Jupiter. EPD OVERVIEW The EPD instrument is the result of a joint effort between The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL), The Max-Planck-Institute fur Aeronomie (MPAe) and The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Space Environment Laboratory (NOAA/SEL). Proposed in 1976 with initial funds received in late 1977, the EPD was launched onboard the Galileo spacecraft on October 12, 1989. The MPAe was responsible for the detector heads and three analog circuit boards associated with those heads. The NOAA/SEL was responsible for the original time-of-flight (TOF) circuitry. The TOF circuitry employed in the upgraded TOF detector actually flown (and described in the composition measurement system, CMS, section) was the joint responsibility of MPAe and JHU/APL. The JHU/APL was responsible for all remaining electronics, the scanning motor, the data system, instrument power, structure test, instrument integration, and spacecraft integration. Calibrations were performed by JHU/APL and MPAe. The general characteristics of the EPD are listed in the following table: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Galileo Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) characteristics ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mass: 10.5kg Power: 6W electronics; 4W heaters Bit rate: 912bps Size: 19.5cm x 27cm x 36.1cm Two bi-directional telescopes mounted on stepper platform 4pi steradian coverage with 52 to 420 samples every 7 S/C spins (~140s) Geometric factors: 6E-03 - 5E-01 cm^2/sr, dependent on detector head Time resolution: 0.33-2.67 s dependent on rate channel Magnetic deflection, deltaE x E, and time-of-flight systems Energy coverage: (Mev/nucl) 0.02-55 Z>=1 0.025-15.5 Helium 0.012-10.7 Oxygen 0.01-13 Sulfur 0.01-15 Iron 0.015-11 Electrons 64 rate channels plus pulse height analysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The two bi-directional solid-state detector telescopes are the Low Energy Magnetospheric Measurement System (LEMMS) and the Composition Measurement System (CMS). These detector heads are mounted on a platform and rotated by a stepper motor contained in the main electronics box. The combination of the satellite spin and the stepper motor rotation (nominally stepping to the next position after each spacecraft spin) provides 4 pi steradian coverage of the unit sphere. The 0 degree ends of the two telescopes have a clear field of view over the unit sphere and also can be positioned behind a foreground shield/source holder for background measurements and in-flight calibrations. The 180 degree ends experience obscuration effects in motor positions 4, 5, and 6 caused by the magnetometer boom and foreground shield. The zero degree end of the LEMMS unit uses magnetic deflection to separate electrons from ions and provides, from detectors A and B, total-ion energy above ~20keV and from detectors E1, E2 and F1, F2 electron spectra above ~15keV. The 180 degree end of LEMMS uses absorbers in combination with detectors C and D to provide measurements of ions >~16Mev and electrons >~2Mev. The zero degree end of the CMS telescope employs a time-of-flight (TOF) versus total energy technique to measure elemental energy spectra above ~10keV/nucl for helium through iron. A sweeping magnet in the entrance collimator prevents electrons with energies <~256keV from entering the system. TOF start and stop pulses are generated as the incoming ions pass, respectively, through a thin entrance foil and impinge on the detector KT. Electrons released from the foil and the detector are accelerated and deflected through a series of grids and are detected by the microchannel places, MCP1 and MCP2. The time difference between the start pulse, MCP1, and the stop pulse, MCP2, is then obtained, along with the ion total energy from KT. Knowing the ion total energy and its travel time through the system (which gives its velocity), the ion mass is determined. The 180 degree end of the CMS telescope measures the ion energy loss, deltaE, as the ions pass through detectors Ja and Jb and the ion residual energy E=E(total) - deltaE, as they impact detectors Ka and Kb. The resulting deltaE and E measurement provides a measure of ion composition for energies >~200keV/nucl. The planned normal mode of EPD operation is to have both the telescopes powered and to step the stepper platform once each satellite spin. This will yield a 4-pi scan of the unit sphere approximately every 140s. Many other scanning modes are available and will be used for special circumstances. For example, during satellite encounters, the EPD will be configured to scan particular directions such as the expected direction of the magnetic flux tube, the direction of the Galilean satellite wakes as they travel through the Jovian magnetosphere, and the direction of the E x B drift paths. The following table contains the channel energy ranges and geometric factors for the detectors on the LEMMS telescope. Channel Species Energy Range Geometric Factor Name (MeV) (cm**2 sr) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A0 Z >= 1 0.022- 0.042 0.006 A1 Z >= 1 0.042- 0.065 0.006 A2 Z >= 1 0.065- 0.120 0.006 A3 Z >= 1 0.120- 0.280 0.006 A4 Z >= 1 0.280- 0.515 0.006 A5 Z >= 1 0.515- 0.825 0.006 A6 Z >= 1 0.825- 1.68 0.006 A7 Z >= 1 1.68 - 3.20 0.006 A8 Z >= 2 3.50 - 12.4 0.006 B0 Z = 1 3.20 - 10.1 0.006 B1 electrons ~1.5 - 10.5 0.006 B2 Z = 2 16.0 - 100. 0.006 DC0 Z >= 1 14.5 - 33.5 0.5 DC1 Z >= 1 51. - 59. 0.5 DC2 electrons >~ 2. 0.5 DC3 electrons >~11. 0.5 E0 electrons 0.015- 0.029 0.007* E1 electrons 0.029- 0.042 0.026* E2 electrons 0.042- 0.055 0.035* E3 electrons 0.055- 0.093 0.034* F0 electrons 0.093- 0.188 0.025* F1 electrons 0.174- 0.304 0.017* F2 electrons 0.304- 0.527 0.016* F3 electrons 0.527- 0.884 0.012* AS singles all counts 0.006 in detector BS singles all counts 0.006 in detector CS singles all counts 0.5 in detector DS singles all counts 0.5 in detector EB1 background sidewise penetrators EB2 background E1E2 coincidences FB1 background Sidewise penetrators FB2 background F1F2 coincidences * Geometric factor determined from table in paper by Y. Wu, T.P. Armstrong [WU&ARMSTRONG1988]. Updated by EPD Team 05/19/98. The following table contains the channel energy ranges and geometric factors for the detectors on the CMS telescope. Channel Species Energy Range Geometric Factor Name (MeV nucl^-1) (cm**2 sr) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOF x E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TP1 protons 0.08-0.22 0.007 TP2 protons 0.22-0.54 0.007 TP3 protons 0.54-1.25 0.007 TA1 alphas 0.027-0.155 0.007 TA2 alphas 0.155-1.00 0.007 TO1 medium nuclei 0.012-0.026 0.007 TO2 medium nuclei 0.026-0.051 0.007 TO3 medium nuclei 0.051-0.112 0.007 TO4 medium nuclei 0.112-0.562 0.007 TS1 intermediate 0.016-0.030 0.007 TS2 intermediate 0.030-0.062 0.007 TS3 intermediate 0.062-0.31 0.007 TH1 heavy nuclei 0.02 -0.20 0.007 TACS singles STARTS rates KtS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Delta E x E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CA1 alphas 0.17- 0.49 CA3 alphas 0.49- 0.68 CA4 alphas 0.68- 1.4 CM1 medium nuclei 0.16- 0.55 CM3 medium nuclei 0.55- 1.1 CM4 medium nuclei 1.1 - 2.9 CM5 medium nuclei 2.9 -10.7 CN0 intermediate 1.0 - 2.2 CN1 intermediate 2.2 -11.7 CH1 heavy nuclei 0.22- 0.33 CH3 heavy nuclei 0.33- 0.67 CH4 heavy nuclei 0.67- 1.3 CH5 heavy nuclei 1.3 -15.0 JaS singles rates JbS singles rates KS singles rates Phase 2 Implications of LGA Mission for EPD: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In its normal mode EPD uses 912 bps to transmit 64 rate channels, with time resolution of 1/3, 2/3, or 4/3 seconds. The S/C spin period is ~20 seconds and the EPD motor moves to a new polar angle every spin. Ground processing converts this time based data stream into displays with 7 polar angles and 64, 32, or 16 azimuthal sectors. The LRS record mode will still provide this resolution of coverage. In the LGA mission EPD was allocated bit rates of 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, or 40 bps, depending on S/C TM format. The lowest bit rates will be the most common. At these low rates the EPD measurements must be sectored on board the S/C, and accumulated for extended periods. The challenge was to design a realizable combination of channels, time and angular resolution that fits the available bit rate and maximizes science return. EPD LGA Science Mission Design: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction The EPD collects particle flux measurements from almost the entire 4-pi sphere by making and reporting fairly rapid particle measurements as the spacecraft and the EPD motor platform sweep the EPD sensors through the sky. The instrument simultaneously samples the particle flux in a number of energy ranges, and sorts the particles out by mass, energy, and direction. It is important to preserve the directional information on the particle measurements, as well as the mass and energy information. While the temporal variations are also important to the science team, they are of lower priority. In considering any new telemetry scheme, therefore, it is necessary to preserve the mass, energy, and direction information. Ideally, the EPD instrument could adapt to the reduced telemetry allocations by doing on-board data averaging, editing, compression, etc. Unfortunately, the version 1&2 software telemetry formats are time-based, and do not easily support theses types of operations without eliminating the directional information. It will therefore be necessary to redesign the telemetry format such that it is spin-based; such an approach allows data from adjacent spins to be averaged together, thus reducing the bit rate required to send down the results. It was determined that the EPD already contains sufficient hardware and software resources necessary to handle the new tasks required of it, however the rate channel RAM buffer storage requirements far exceed what could be made available in the instrument. This single result drives most of the interface requirements that will be presented below. A number of cooperative EPD+CDS processing approaches have been looked at with an eye to keeping as many tasks and storage buffers in the EPD as possible. To generate a useful EPD data set, it will be necessary to transfer raw rate channel data to the CDS, where it will be summed into appropriate sector-based 4-byte counters. These counters will be log-compressed, formatted, and passed on to the CDS telemetry processor at the end of each instrument cycle. 2. Software Versions The EPD instrument software has undergone a number of changes of the course of the mission development cycle. The original instrument software was finalized in about 1980, and was committed to ROM fabricated by Sandia National Labs. This software version, which I'll refer to as the ''Version1'' software, is still in the flight instrument. Prior to the original launch date of 1986, a few minor bugs were discovered in the software, and several small RAM patches were designed to correct the problems. These patches were tested in SAF during the original integration checkout, but were never flown. After the Challenger disaster, the EPD hardware underwent a number of major modifications to support the addition of a new CMS TOF sensor. Included in these modifications was the addition of a high voltage power supply. New software was needed to operate the high voltage power supply, reformat the telemetry output, and control enables, etc. The software also included corrections to the minor bugs in the original code. This software version, which I'll refer to as the ''Version2'' software, was to be the standard operating code for the 1989 mission. It is important to note that if the REV2 software patch is not loaded, the instrument reverts to the Rev1 (ROM- based) software. In this mode, the instrument performs 99% of its intended functions, with the exception that the high voltage supply (and thus the CMS TOF) can not be used. This mode was used at Venus, Gaspra, and Ida. The S-band mission will require us to greatly modify the way the EPD collects and formats telemetry. New EPD software must be written to enable the EPD to perform a number of new tasks. This software will work closely with new software in the CDS which will collect and average the EPD rate readouts. I will refer to the combined new real-time mode EPD and CDS software as the ''Version3'' version software. There will be periods during the Galileo mission (such as satellite encounters) when the CDS will collect data at the old, HGA-based rates. After the data will be put on the tape recorded for later playback, the system will revert back to the standard S-band collection scheme. A requirement for the new Version3 software, therefore, is that it be easily backward-compatible. By this I mean that it should be relatively painless to quickly switch from the old HGA-based software to the new Rev3 software. When the instrument is put back into the record mode, we will want the capability to operate the full instrument, i.e. the CMS TOF and high voltage supply. It would therefore be desirable to have the ability to switch from the Version3 software to the previous Version2 software. It is not clear that we would want or be able to use all of the features that were included in the Version2 software, however. We will therefore modify the previous Version2 software for use with the LGA mission. This version, which I'll refer to as the ''Version4'' software, will handle many of the same tasks as the Version2 software, but may not have all the ''bells and whistles'' in order to make the code more compact. To summarize the material above: EPD Software Description Version1 Original ROM-based code Version2 Code generated for 1989 HGA mission Version3 New real-time mode telemetry rate code for LGA-based mission Version4 New record mode telemetry rate code for LGA-based mission 3. Science Background The EPD instrument combines the output of two fairly independent sensor subsystems, the LEMMS sensor and the CMS sensor. Two types of data are produced by each of these sensors: rate channel data (channel counters) and PHA (single event pulse height analysis) data. The science telemetry is made up of rate channel and PHA data from both sensors. The EPD science team has evaluated the scientific priorities from the instrument in the context of a telemetry-starved SBAND environment. The minimum spatial and temporal resolution requirements were determined for each measurement; measurements with similar requirements were then grouped together. A strawman telemetry format was then created by trading off the projected telemetry and memory allocations for the EPD vs. The science return from the measurements. For the Version3 telemetry format, we decided to report all the CMS TOF sensor rate channel measurements and selected PHA events. The LEMMS rate channels measurements were also preserved. None of the CMS Delta-E x E sensor measurements or LEMMS PHA spectral measurements were kept, however, except for LRS periods. 3.1 Spatial Resolution The EPD motor was intended to quickly move the EPD sensor view angle between 8 defined positions. These positions, called motor positions (sometimes motor sectors) are numbered from 0 to 7, and are nominally 30 degrees apart. The calibrate position, 0 , is the exception, and is 45 degrees away from position 1. Unit sphere coverage for the EPD's sensors is provided by combining the EPD motor stepping and the motion of the spacecraft spin. In the original telemetry design, most rate channels were read and reported via telemetry at least 15 times in each motor position (20 seconds). These measurements were repeated in each of the 8 motor positions, yielding 120 spatial measurements per channel across the unit sphere. Unfortunately, this type of spatial resolution will not be possible in the Version3 software. To create the broader spatial sectors needed to maintain some directional information on the particle fluxes while conserving bit-rate, we divided the spacecraft spin into four 90-degree sectors, and used the motor stepping pattern between positions 0 and 6 (7 will not be used). This reduces the original 120 sectors to only 28 sectors (4 spin sectors x 7 motor positions). To reduce the bit-rate further, these 28 sectors will be summed together using one of three algorithms. These algorithms will be used to produce sector patterns which we'll call the ''high,'' ''low,'' and ''omni'' spatial resolution channel types. The unit sphere will now be divided into either 17, 7, or 2 ''super'' sectors; each of these was the result of summing one or more sectors together. Each of the rate channels will be assigned to use one of these three channel type formats; the more important the channel's data, the higher the resolution it is given. 3.2 Motor Stepping The EPD motor movement is directed primarily by the motor controller board, and its associated processor hardware and software. The motor controller is a slave to the data system board; its commands are generated by and/or received from the data system, and its status is sent to the data system. As its name implies, the motor controller board handles all low level motor control functions. It determines direction, stepping pattern, position measurement, etc., and generates the actual motor phase pulses that move the motor. Each time an electrical pulse is sent to the motor, it will take a ''step'' of 1.8 degrees. A series of pulses, sent over about 1/2 second, is normally used to move the motor from one motor position to the next. The overall, high-level timing of the motor, however, is dictated by the data system; it generates motor ''trigger'' signals that tell the motor controller when to initiate a motor movement. In the original design, the motor triggers are sent once every 20 seconds, but this timing can be altered via the ''motor dwell'' command. The motor trigger should be viewed as a timing synchronization signal, not a command to move. When the motor controller receives the motor trigger, its processor examines what stepping mode it is presently executing. If the motor had been commanded to cease scan or stop at a particular sector, the motor will do nothing in response to the motor trigger; it will initiate a motor movement only if the commanded stepping mode requires one. In the new Version3 software, the data system will synchronize the motor movement to the spacecraft spin by generating a motor trigger at the beginning of each spin of the spacecraft. The data system will use the CDS-supplied AACS spin vector information to determine when a new spin has started. The motor controller interface will remain the same in that it will simply respond to motor triggers using its original software. The motor system operates in a ''windshield wiper'' mode; it rotates 235 degrees in one direction, then reverses itself and goes back 235 degrees in the opposite direction. Within this 235 degree rotational space, there are 8 predefined, discrete motor positions, numbered 0 through 7. In the Record Mode, the motor will visit all 8 positions, moving once every 20 seconds from one position to the next (the actual motor movement requires approximately 1/2 second). In the Real-time Mode, the motor will only visit 7 of the 8 positions; position number 7 is not used. The motor stepping will be synchronized to the spacecraft spin rate, moving once per spin when the spacecraft spin vector passes through 0. The motor movement synchronization is good to 1/3 second resolution, resulting in approximately 6 degree uncertainty. More information on the Real-time motor movements is included in later sections of this document. 3.3 Temporal Resolution As stated before, most EPD channels were previously read out once every 4/3 seconds. In the Version3 telemetry format, the channel read outs will vary depending on what the EPD telemetry allocation is. The higher the bit-rate, the higher the time resolution that will be used. A new EPD data construct, called the EPD science record, will be used to group the science measurements together. A science record will extend over a number of spacecraft rotations; the sectorized rate channel data in the record will be averaged across the multiple spins. An EPD science record period will always be an integer multiple of EPD cycles, where a motor cycle is defined as 6 EPD motor position steps. Since the EPD motor will be synchronized to move once per spacecraft spin, a motor cycle is 6 equal to spacecraft spin periods. Assuming a nominal spin rate of 3.15 rpm, the nominal spin period is 19.048 seconds. Our minimum science record is one motor cycle (114.29 seconds) and our maximum is 6 motor cycles (685.71 seconds or 11.4 minutes). Worst-case time resolution chosen to be ~12 minutes (at 5 bps). This should be reasonable--much of the Voyager analysis was done with 15 minute averages. Higher resolution will be available at the higher bit rates. Angular resolution chosen to cover 4 Pie steradians with 1, 6, or 16 measurements (and cal). As described above, each rate channel is assigned to use one of the three channel type formats. If these assignments were frozen, however, it would not be possible to make good use of the variable bit-rate allocated to the EPD. For this reason, two different mappings of rate channel to channel type assignment will be used. These mappings will be referred to as Channel Map 1 and Channel Map 2. The proposed channel mappings are shown in Tables below. 3.4 Channel Bins The combination of a rate channel and its channel map will create rate channel ''bins.'' The number of bins assigned to a rate channel can be determined by looking at the number of readouts made in the unit sphere for the channel; this is defined by which rate channel type the rate channel is mapped to. To clarify, I'll give an example: The LEMMS rate channel ''A4'' is assigned to the a ''low'' channel type under Channel Map 1, and a ''high'' channel type under Channel Map 2. Since a ''low'' channel type incorporates 7 readouts across the unit sphere, there will be 7 bins assigned to A4 when the EPD bit rate allocation dictates the use of Channel Map 1. Similarly, there will be 17 bins assigned to A4 when the EPD bit rate allocation dictates the use of Channel Map 2. By totaling up the number of bins assigned to each rate channel in the two channel maps, we determine that under Channel Map 1, there will be 167 CMS bins and 189 LEMMS bins, for a total of 356 bins. Under Channel Map 2, there will be a 202 CMS bins and 249 LEMMS bins, for a total of 451 bins. It is important to remember that the counts that go into these bins are generated by the instrument across many spacecraft spins, and the bins are written to in a quasi random fashion, based on where the spacecraft spin vector is pointing and what motor position the EPD is in. This means that the data contained in these bins must be stored somewhere throughout the science record, not just when a channel is being read. The EPD rate channel accumulators each contain 24 bits counters, thus a maximum count of 2^24=16,777,216 can be held in each accumulator before it will role-over. If the bin is to be read once every science record, (maximum time of 685.71 seconds long), a 24 bit bin can only handle an average count rate of only about 24K counts/sec. Some of the LEMMS and CMS rate channels should produce counts are rates above 200K per second. For this reason, at least some of the bins must be 4 bytes long to handle the expected range. For this and more technical information, see EPD SBAND MISSION Software requirements Revision D (S1i-2-949-D) By Stephen Jaskulek at APL. Rate Channel Assignments for EPD LEMMS Sensor: Channel Map 1 Energy Range Channel 16 sec. 6 sec. Omni Total +Cal +Cal +Cal Channels LEMMS (MeV) 0.022 - 0.042 KEV A0 1 7 0.042 - 0.065 A1 1 17 0.065 - 0.120 A2 1 17 0.120 - 0.280 A3 1 7 0.280 - 0.515 A4 1 7 0.515 - 0.825 A5 1 7 0.825 - 1.68 A6 1 7 1.68 - 3.20 A7 1 7 3.50 - 12.4 (z>= 2) A8 1 7 0.015 - 0.029 E0 1 7 0.029 - 0.042 E1 1 17 0.042 - 0.055 E2 1 7 0.055 - 0.093 E3 1 7 0.093 - 0.188 F0 1 7 0.174 - 0.304 F1 1 7 0.304 - 0.527 F2 1 17 0.527 - 0.884 F3 1 7 3.20 - 10.1 (z=1) B0 1 2 1.5 - 10.5 (e-) B1 1 2 16.0 - 100. (z=2) B2 1 2 14.5 - 33.5 (z>=1) DC0 1 2 51 - 59 (z>=1) DC1 1 2 >= 2.0 (e-) DC2 1 2 >=11 (e-) DC3 1 2 A Singles AS 1 2 B Singles BS 1 2 C Singles CS 1 2 D Singles DS 1 2 Background EB1 1 2 Background EB2 1 2 Background FB1 1 2 Background FB2 1 2 LEMMS Total 4 13 15 189 Rate Channel Assignments for EPD CMS Sensor Channel Map 1 Energy Range Channel 16 sec. 6 sec. Omni Total +Cal +Cal +Cal Channels TOF x E (MeV) 0.08 - 0.22 (H) TP1 1 17 0.22 - 0.54 (H) TP2 1 17 0.54 - 1.25 (H) TP3 1 7 0.027 - 0.155 (He) TA1 1 7 0.155 - 1.0 (He) TA2 1 7 0.012 - 0.026 (CNO) TO1 1 17 0.026 - 0.051 (CNO) TO2 1 17 0.051 - 0.112 (CNO) TO3 1 7 0.112 - 0.562 (CNO) TO4 1 7 0.016 - 0.030 (S) TS1 1 17 0.030 - 0.062 (S) TS2 1 7 0.062 - 0.31 (S) TS3 1 2 0.02 - 0.20 (Fe) TH1 1 7 TAC Singles TACS 1 7 KT Singles KTS 1 7 Start Singles STARTS 1 17 CMS Total 6 9 1 167 Total Channels 10 22 16 356 Rate Channel Assignments for EPD LEMMS Sensor Channel Map 2 Energy Range Channel 16 sec. 6 sec. Omni Total +Cal +Cal +Cal Channels LEMMS (MeV) 0.022 - 0.042 KEV A0 1 7 0.042 - 0.065 A1 1 17 0.065 - 0.120 A2 1 17 0.120 - 0.280 A3 1 17 0.280 - 0.515 A4 1 17 0.515 - 0.825 A5 1 17 0.825 - 1.68 A6 1 7 1.68 - 3.20 A7 1 7 3.50 - 12.4 (z>= 2) A8 1 7 0.015 - 0.029 E0 1 7 0.029 - 0.042 E1 1 17 0.042 - 0.055 E2 1 7 0.055 - 0.093 E3 1 7 0.093 - 0.188 F0 1 7 0.174 - 0.304 F1 1 7 0.304 - 0.527 F2 1 17 0.527 - 0.884 F3 1 7 3.20 - 10.1 (z=1) B0 1 7 1.5 - 10.5 (e-) B1 1 7 16.0 - 100. (z=2) B2 1 7 14.5 - 33.5 (z>=1) DC0 1 2 51 - 59 (z>=1) DC1 1 2 >= 2.0 (e-) DC2 1 2 >=11 (e-) DC3 1 2 A Singles AS 1 2 B Singles BS 1 7 C Singles CS 1 2 D Singles DS 1 2 Background EB1 1 7 Background EB2 1 2 Background FB1 1 7 Background FB2 1 2 LEMMS Total 7 16 9 249 Rate Channel Assignments for EPD CMS Sensor Channel Map 2 Energy Range Channel 16 sec. 6 sec. Omni Total +Cal +Cal +Cal Channels TOF x E (MeV) 0.08 - 0.22 (H) TP1 1 17 0.22 - 0.54 (H) TP2 1 17 0.54 - 1.25 (H) TP3 1 7 0.027 - 0.155 (He) TA1 1 17 0.155 - 1.0 (He) TA2 1 7 0.012 - 0.026 (CNO) TO1 1 17 0.026 - 0.051 (CNO) TO2 1 17 0.051 - 0.112 (CNO) TO3 1 17 0.112 - 0.562 (CNO) TO4 1 7 0.016 - 0.030 (S) TS1 1 17 0.030 - 0.062 (S) TS2 1 17 0.062 - 0.31 (S) TS3 1 7 0.02 - 0.20 (Fe) TH1 1 7 TAC Singles TACS 1 7 KT Singles KTS 1 7 Start Singles STARTS 1 17 CMS Total 9 7 202 Total Channels 16 23 9 451 " END_OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_INFORMATION OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "WILLIAMSETAL1992" END_OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "WU&ARMSTRONG1988" END_OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO END_OBJECT = INSTRUMENT END