This directory contains software for use with some or all of the data contained on this DVD.

Note that all software contained on this DVD is designed to run 'in place.' That is it should work correctly when run from the DVD-ROM.

The PPI Node provides software which has been made available by individual projects which may be useful when working with PPI data. Non-PDS software is provided 'as is' and is distributed by the PPI Node as a service to the community.

/EXTRAs/SOFTWARE directory tree structure:

     |- SOFTINFO.TXT    describes contents of the /EXTRAS/SOFTWARE 
     |                  directory tree (similar to this file)
     |- SPLASH_E_4_0_65.EXE
     |- [PWS]     Software (for Sun OS) for calibrating PWS RDR data.         

Software description:

  Name           Description

  SPLASH          plots PDS Version 3.2 labeled data files (for use on        
                  IBM/Windows95 and IBM/WindowsNT platforms). This software   
                  was developed at the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary  
                  Physics at UCLA.  Copyright 1997-2003 Regents of University 
                  of California.  All Rights Reserved.                        
In addition to the software contained on this DVD, the following sources have software designed to work with some of the data contained on this DVD:

The PDS has produced a number of general purpose software tools designed for use with PDS labeled files. This software is distributed by the PDS Central Node. For more information, or to obtain this software, contact the PDS Home Page website (

The NAIF Toolkit, designed for use with the SPICE kernels, is available through the PDS Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF) Node. For additional information on the Toolkit or how to obtain it please contact Chuck Acton (INTERNET:, PHONE: (818)354-3869) or check the PDS website's link to the NAIF node for current NAIF contact information.

Finally, the PDS/PPI node is aware of software, either under development or already available, which may be used with some or all of the data found on this volume. This includes software for performing coordinate transformations between various Jovian coordinate systems as well as generating additional ephemeris in these systems. For information about this software or help with any of the other software found on this DVD, please contact the PDS Operator at the PDS/PPI node (INTERNET: , PHONE: (310)206-6073).

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