/DOCUMENT directory tree structure: (HTML and Adobe PDF)
[DOCUMENT] | +- DOCINFO.TXT (this file) describes contents of the /DOCUMENT | directory tree | | + SSR contains the SSR instrument paper (HTML and Adobe PDF) +- DDS | | + GDDS contains HTML documents regarding the DDS data set | +- EPD contains the SSR instrument paper (HTML and Adobe PDF) | | + SSR contains SSR instrument paper (HTML and Adobe PDF) +- HIC | | + TECH_DOC contains an SRL technical document describing | the instrument and data processing | +- MAG contains the SSR instrument paper (HTML and Adobe PDF) | +- PLS contains the SSR instrument paper (HTML and Adobe PDF) | | + AR_SEF contains as-run S/C Event files (SEF) | | | + GLL3_180 contains a project document describing the Galileo | | spacecraft and the configuration of instruments on-board | | | + GLL3_280 contains a project document describing raw data formats | | ASCII and Adobe PDF: Phase 2 Appendix A Table 2.2 | | | + GLL3_310 contains a project document describing ground system processing | | and the creations of raw data packets (ASCII text and Adobe PDF) | | + PROJECT + SEF_SIS "625-610 Project Galileo Software Interface | | Specification S/C Event File (SEF)" describes | | the spacecraft event file. These data are in | | DATA/AR_SEF. (ASCII text and Adobe PDF) | | | + SFDU_DOC contains subsets of other project documents which describe | | many of the various SFDU formats and headers found in the Phase 2 | | packetized (raw) data files. | | | + GLL3_640 contains a project document describing raw data formats | | +- [FRD] PWS Functional Requirements Document (ASCII and Adobe PDF) +- PWS | | +- [SSR] Contains PWS instrument paper published in Space Science | Reviews in ASCII, HTML, and Adobe PDF formats | |- [STARSCAN] Contains a paper regarding the Star Scanner data provided and references relevant to the instrument. (HTML and Adobe PDF)SSR: Space Science Reviews, Galileo Instrument Papers Special Issue, 60, 1992. Copyright Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in Belgium.
Published with permission of Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London