PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2004-02-01 NOTE = "Description of the directory contents." END_OBJECT = TEXT END This directory contains Galileo Heavy Ion Counter data. The data are separated by general type into subdirectories which contain data divided by type and spacecraft orbit. COMPOSITION: Composition (energetic ion flux) data (all Jupiter data). (CATALOG/GO_HIC_COMPOSITION_DS.CAT) SATELLITES Event (pulse height) and count rate data, collected & SURVEY/HIGH_RES: during target fly-bys and other points of interest. (CATALOG/GO_HIC_HIGHRES_COUNTRATE_DS.CAT) SURVEY/REALTIME: Event (pulse height) and count rate data, collected during spacecraft orbits. (CATALOG/GO_HIC_SURVEY_COUNTRATE_DS.CAT) Except for the composition data, the data are organized into magnetospheric survey data (SURVEY) and targeted satellite encounters (SATELLITES). Most of the high resolution data (LPW recorded) that were acquired at Jupiter were acquired during the satellite encounters. There are a few scattered high resolution data throughout the magnetosphere. The remainder of the time, Galileo acquired low resolution real-time data. These data were taken throughout the magnetosphere whenever sufficient downlink and tracking was available.