PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 DATA_SET_ID = "DS1-C-PEPE-2-EDR-BORRELLY-V1.0" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2003-05-30 NOTE = "ERRATA.TXT reflects any known deficiencies with files contained on volume DSPE_1001." END_OBJECT = TEXT END ERRATA This file contains a list of all deficiencies and irregularities that are known to exist at the time of production of the DSPE_1001 CDR. Any errors detected with this CDR will be published online. An online version of errors is maintained at the PPI Node of the PDS. Any changes or errors that are found on this or any DSPE_1001 volume can be found at the PDS/PPI website (http://www.igpp.ucla.edu/ssc/pdsppi/). The ASCII text version of the document DATA_PRODUCT_DEF_030113 has a .TXT extension rather than the PDS standard .ASC extension. The PEPE instrument paper was not yet published at the time that this was prepared. The data set, instrument, and reference catalog files will need to be updated with a proper reference when this paper is published. There were no versions of the DS1 mission or instrument host catalog templates available at the time that this disk was produced.