PDS_VERSION_ID        = PDS3                                                  
RECORD_TYPE           = STREAM                                                
OBJECT                = TEXT                                                  
  PUBLICATION_DATE      = 2001-07-16                                          
  NOTE                  = "INFO.TXT describes the Magnetometer (MAG)          
                           data available on this volume."                    
END_OBJECT            = TEXT                                                  
The DATA/MAG directory contains the Magnetometer (MAG) vector magnetic        
field data. These data were acquired by the Magnetometer instrument           
aboard the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft. The MAG data on this        
disk cover the period 7/9/99 - 7/17/99.                                       
The MAG data are calibrated and are provided in physical units (nT). In       
addition, instrumental and spacecraft effects have been removed from the      
data during processing.                                                       
Each MAG data file consists of an attached ASCII text header, followed        
by an ASCII table containing the time series data. The table in each          
file has fixed-length records of length 232 bytes. Each row of data           
contains 24 columns, and is terminated by the ASCII record delimiter          
characters carriage return and line feed.                                     
MAG data are represented in the planetocentric (PC) and Sun-State (SS)        
coordinate systems. In the SS coordinate system, the X-axis lies along        
the instantaneous Mars-Sun vector and is positive toward the Sun. The         
negative of Mars' velocity vector is a second (Y) reference vector, so        
the vector cross product of X and Y yields a Z vector parallel to the         
northward (upward) normal of the orbit plane of Mars. The PC coordinate       
system is body-fixed and rotates with the body as it spins on its axis.       
In the PC system, the Z-axis lies along the body rotation axis and is         
positive in the direction of angular momentum. The X-axis lies in the         
equatorial plane of the body, perpendicular to Z and in the direction         
of the prime meridian as defined by the IAU. The Y axis completes the         
right-handed set.                                                             
Each file in SS coordinates contains either one day of data or the data       
near a single periapsis of the spacecraft. Each file in PC coordinates        
contains data near a single periapsis.                                        
The MAG data files reside in the following subdirectories of DATA/MAG:        
SUNSTATE     MAG data expressed in Sun-State coordinates.                     
PCENTRIC     MAG data expressed in planetocentric coordinates.                
The file naming convention for files in these subdirectories is               
as follows:                                                                   
99067.STS is interpreted as                                                   
99 = year 1999                                                                
067 = day of year 067 (where Jan. 1 = day of year 001)                        
STS = 'standard time series' format                                           
The detached PDS label file describing the file 99067.STS is named            
In addition to the data files, this disk contains documentation files         
which describe the datasets on the disk, the instruments from which the       
data came, and the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft and mission. These         
files are found in the CATALOG and DOCUMENT directories, and are              
described in the files CATALOG/CATINFO.TXT and DOCUMENT/DOCINFO.TXT.          
This disk also contains browse plots (PostScript files) summarizing the       
MAG and Electron Reflectometer (ER) data on the disk. These plots are         
contained in subdirectories of the BROWSE directory.                          
In addition to accessing MAG data files directly, users with Web              
browsers can access them via links in the HTML file MAGDATA.HTM in            
the EXTRAS directory. Such users also can navigate the entire disk            
using the file AAREADME.HTM in the disk root directory.