C19 RPWS Triggers
Trigger |
Description |
0 |
Power On All Receivers (HFR, MFR, LP, etc.) |
1 |
Internally defined Basic Mode with HFR "Composite Mode Survey" (CMS) |
3 |
Internally defined Periodic Instrument Maintenance (PIM): Bias LP to +32V |
4 |
Internally defined Periodic Instrument Maintenance Mode Off |
28 |
200 bps Interplanetary Cruise with Direction Finding on HFR Bands ABC & H1 |
32 |
Internal trigger used by Trigger 58: 8 MHz HF-WBR and HFR ms mode data |
34 |
Internal trigger used by Trigger 58: 1 MHz HF-WBR and HFR ms mode data |
36 |
Internal trigger used by Trigger 58: 125 KHz HF-WBR and HFR ms mode data |
38 |
Internal trigger used by Trigger 58: 80 KHz WBR |
3A |
Internal trigger used by Trigger 58: 10 KHz WBR |
3C |
Internal trigger used by Trigger 58: High Resolution HFR |
3E |
Internal trigger used by Trigger 58: Fast 2.5 KHz WFR |
40 |
Internal trigger used by Trigger 58: Fast 25 Hz WFR |
58 |
35 kbps Hirate hour-long cyclic (WBR 10 KHz Baseband, 75 KHz Baseband, & HF Frequencies: 8 MHz, 1 MHz, 125 KHz) |
7C |
Apply HFR meander code software patch |
7E |
Apply HFR millisecond mode software patch |
80 |
1 kbps Direction-Finding Survey with 2.5 KHz WFR |
C19 RPWS Commands
Command |
Description |
Power RPWS off |
Power RPWS on |
ACTIVE MODE: Processors awake, ready to power up Receivers |
SLEEP MODE: Processors in low-power mode, Receivers Off |
Load Internal Expanded Block (IEB) memory |
73MEM_TWEAK,LRP,BYTE,0x0014,0x00C0,TWEK |
Command needed for IEB verification via memory readout |
73MRO,LRP,xxx,8000,xxxx |
Command needed for IEB verification via memory readout |
73MRO,LRP,xxx,BF00,xxxx |
Command needed for IEB verification via memory readout |
73MEM_TWEAK,LRP,BYTE,0x0014,0x0040,TWEK |
Command needed for IEB verification via memory readout |
73MEM_TWEAK,HRP,BYTE,0x0052,0x0082,W08I |
Prepare WBR to use EZ sensor |
C19 Sequence Timeline
2000-113T06:00:08.000 73PS_RPWS,ON
2000-113T06:00:38.000 73RT_SLEEP,ACTIVE
2000-113T06:04:38.000 TRIGGER 3 (Internal PIM)
2000-113T17:00:00.000 TRIGGER 4 (Internal PIM Off)
2000-113T17:00:20.000 73POWER_CNTL,SLEEP,SLEEP
2000-113T17:00:40.000 73POWER_CNTL,SLEEP,ACTIVE
2000-113T17:01:00.000 TRIGGER 0
2000-113T17:02:00.000 73MEM_TWEAK,HRP,BYTE,0x0052,0x0082,W08I
2000-113T17:03:00.000 73IEB_LOAD C19 IEB
2000-113T17:04:02.000 73WRAP,(0x4310,0x3E00)
2000-113T17:05:02.000 73MEM_TWEAK,LRP,BYTE,0x0014,0x00C0,TWEK
2000-113T17:05:12.000 73MRO,LRP,HSK,8000,800F
2000-113T17:05:22.000 73MRO,LRP,HSK,BF00,BF44
2000-113T17:06:52.000 73MRO,LRP,TLM,8000,0000
2000-113T17:07:02.000 73MRO,LRP,TLM,BF00,BFFF
2000-113T17:07:12.000 73MEM_TWEAK,LRP,BYTE,0x0014,0x0040,TWEK
2000-113T17:11:12.000 TRIGGER 7C
2000-113T17:11:22.000 TRIGGER 7E
2000-113T17:11:32.000 TRIGGER 1 (Internal Basic mode)
2000-113T17:12:02.000 TRIGGER 80
2000-113T17:14:00.000 TRIGGER 2C
2000-114T06:35:00.000 TRIGGER 80
2000-119T01:37:00.000 TRIGGER 28
2000-122T01:45:00.000 TRIGGER 80
2000-123T21:37:00.000 TRIGGER 28
2000-123T21:42:00.000 TRIGGER 58
2000-123T22:42:00.000 TRIGGER 80