Trigger 28 Description

Sequence: All
Trigger 28 (Interplanetary Cruise DF mode)
Low bit rate mode used for cruise phase of mission. HFR is run at a slow rate (one cycle every 64 seconds) and includes direction finding (DF).
Receiver  Frequency Range       Sensor          Cycle Time     Snapshot Size
--------  ---------------  ----------------  ----------------  -------------
LFR       1Hz-25Hz         EX,BX               32.000 Seconds
MFR       25Hz-12KHz       EX,BZ               32.000 Seconds

          Correlations Channels    Integ.           Size Frequency
Band Ant. Auto- Cross- per Band df Period Rep Steps kHz  Start - Stop
---- ---- ----- ------ -------- -- ------ --- ----- ---- ------------
ABC   1E    y     n       32    n   1000  1              3.6-319KHz
HF1  2E     y     y        1    y    160  1   40      50 0.125-2.125MHz
HF2   1E    n     n        1    n     80  1   70     200 2.025-16.025MHz

Bands ABC require 2.003 sec to complete, H1 requires 13.479 sec, and
H2 requires 4.620 sec for a total of 20.101 sec per sweep.  The hfr
cycle time is 64.000 seconds.