Trigger 50 Description

Sequence: All
Trigger 50 (STV MFR Noise Check)
This trigger is based on a mode used in a series of tests that were performed before launch, and is designed to test the noise detected by the MFR receiver.
Receiver  Frequency Range       Sensor          Cycle Time     Snapshot Size
--------  ---------------  ----------------  ----------------  -------------
MFR       25Hz-12KHz       EX,EW,BX,BZ         32.000 Seconds

The antenna the MFR is attatched to is switched as shown below

128 seconds Fixed Ex
128 seconds Fixed EW
128 seconds Fixed Bx
128 seconds Fixed Bz
256 seconds Toggle Bx/Bz
256 seconds Toggle Ex/Bx
256 seconds Toggle Ex/Bz