PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2005-05-31 NOTE = " C31_TRIG_92.TXT describes the RPWS instrument configuration for the High Frequency Receiver (HFR), the Medium Frequency Receiver (MFR), the Low Frequency Receiver (LFR), the Waveform Receiver (WFR), the Wideband Receiver (WBR), the Langmuir Probe (LP), the Sounder, and the onboard Dust detection algorithm when using Trigger 92." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Trigger 92 Description Sequence: C29 Trigger 92 ( Aurora/SKR Mode, inside source region ) This mode is designed to provide a survey mode with DF-2 (direction-finding with 2 antennas), and additionally provide high frequency & time resolution for a narrow band in the SKR frequency region to resolve fine structure. Both low and high frequency WFR measurements are made. In high-frequency mode, there are 512 samples taken for the EX and EW antennas. These channels are also analyzed onboard using the LFDR FFT software, and the LFDR data is provided in addition to the waveform data. In low-frequency mode, 5-channel 2048-sample WFR measurements are made every 32 seconds. Langmuir Probe sweeps are performed every 32 seconds; density measurements are made at a 100-Hz sampling rate to match the Low-Frequency WFR measurements. A simple up-going ramp sweep is performed; with a future software update, this will become a down-going voltage ramp. For C29, the Sounder measurements have been deleted. Receiver Frequency Range Sensors Time between Snapshots -------- ---------------- -------------- ---------------------- LFR 0.1 - 2.5 KHz EX, EW 160 seconds MFR 25 - 12 KHz EX, BZ 32 seconds WFR(LF) 1 - 25 Hz EX,EW,BX,BY,BZ 32 seconds WFR(HF) 0.1 - 2.5 KHz EX,EW 160 seconds HFR 3.6 KHz - 16 MHz EX, EW 11.875 seconds LP N/A Langmuir Probe 32 seconds The HFR is in SKR mode, with freeze mode for H1. The freeze frequency is by default 325 KHz, but this can be tweaked. This mode is defined by: Correlations Channels Integ. Size Frequency Band Ant. Auto- Cross- per Band df Period Rep Steps kHz Start - Stop ---- ---- ----- ------ -------- -- ------ --- ----- ---- ------------ ABC 2E y y 16 n 125 1 3.6-319 kHz H1 2E y y 8 n 20 100 1 0 325k H2 2E y y 1 n 20 1 315 50 325kHz-16MHz Bands ABC require 0.395 sec to complete, H1 requires 2.74 sec, and H2 requires 8.25 sec for a total of 11.39 sec per sweep. However, the time between analyses is 11.875 seconds.