PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2004-02-01 NOTE = "Description of the CALIB directory contents for a MAG archive volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END The calibration directory algorithm files (*_ALGO_*.TXT) and calibration data files (MIMI_CALIBRATION_vvvv.CSV). Algorithm files are named according to the convention: stttf_ALGO_vvvv.TXT where: s = sensor (l=LEMMS, c=CHEMS, i=INCA) ttt = data type (ACC/SCI=rates, FRT=fine rates, PHA=pulse height analysis, IMG=images) f = index representing format version of file (0-9 then A=Z) vvvv = data version of file Algorithm files contain brief descriptions of how to obtain useful, physical quantities from the data products. Each algorithm file applies to the data product files whose naming convention matches that of the algorithm file (e.g. CACCf_ALGO_vvvv.TXT applies to the MIMI_CHEMS_ACC files). Calibration data files are formatted as CSV files and contain the quantities required to execute the algorithms in the algorithms files. The INCA_IMAGES subdirectory contains INCA flux (exposure) factor matricies which may be used to convert the raw image data into fluxes. Included with each text file (*.TXT) are attached PDS labels. The CSV files are accompanied by detached PDS labels. CALINFO.TXT A description of the contents of this directory CACCf_ALGO_vvvv.TXT CHEMS accumulation rate algorithm file CPHAf_ALGO_vvvv.TXT CHEMS pulse height analysis algorithm file CSCIf_ALGO_vvvv.TXT CHEMS science rates algorithm file IACCf_ALGO_vvvv.TXT INCA accumulation rate algorithm file IIMGf_ALGO_vvvv.TXT INCA image rates algorithm file IIMG_FACTOR_SEGMENTS_0000.CSV INCA image segment information file IIMG_FACTOR_SEGMENTS_0000.LBL PDS label for INCA image segment information file INCA_IMAGES sub-directory containing INCA image flux (exposure) factor matricies IPHAf_ALGO_vvvv.TXT INCA pulse height analysis algorithm file LACCf_ALGO_vvvv.TXT LEMMS accumulation rate algorithm file LFRTf_ALGO_vvvv.TXT LEMMS fine rates accumulation algorithm file LPHAf_ALGO_vvvv.TXT LEMMS pulse height analysis algorithm file MIMI_CALIBRATION_vvvv.CSV Calibration information for all sensors MIMI_CALIBRATION_vvvv.LBL PDS label for MIMI calibration file It should be noted that the original version of the MIMI_CALIBRATION file is version 0000. The next following published version of this file is version 0003. Versions 0001 and 0002 were intermediate products maintained within the MIMI team but not ready for publication.