PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2005-07-01 NOTE = "Description of the EXTRAS/SOFTWARE directory contents for an INMS archive volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END This directory contains a libraray of IDL routines that may be used to read, manipulate and display the ocntents of the L1A data files. In addition to the IDL source code files, the directory contains a user's guide, an HTML help file, and sample input and output for testing the code. (The following descriptions are taken from AnalysisGuide.PDF). *.pro - INMS Analysis Library IDL routines. A user's guide for these routines is provided in AnalysisGuide.pdf. Descriptions of these routines are provided in inms_analysis_help.html. AAAINFO.TXT - A description of the contents of this directory (this file) AAAReleaseNotes.txt - Release notes for the INMS Analysis Library AnalysisGuide.* - User's guide for the INMS Analysis Library, a library of routines written in the IDL language for reading and manipulating the INMS L1A archive data fils (there are PDF and Microsoft Word versions of this document) HKG_STRUCT_01.FMT - Default structure definition for version vv Housekeeping data files INMS_ANALYSIS_LIBRARY.LBL - PDS label file for the INMS Analysis Library files inms_analysis_help.html - INMS Analysis Library Help file contain a description of the library routines INMS_TEST_RESULTS.PDF - Baseline result of inms_test program 20050720-CalSummary.csv L1A_STRUCT_05.FMT - Default structure definition for version vv L1A data files